Thursday, October 1, 2020

One Thing Right Chapter 6 | Wenrene

One Thing Right

Chapter 6


Irene finished doing the dishes and went back to the living room, only to discover that Wendy was nowhere to be found. She had the courtesy to leave some note though, saying thank you for the food and that was that. Irene can't help but feel slightly annoyed at the action. She did ask her to wait for her here and yet she didn't obey. Irene sneered at the idea that Wendy would really stay just because she says so, especially how rude she treated her previously. Who would want to stay by her side after that? She sighed. She took the note, crampled it and shoot in the bin. There's no point in wasting time in feeling regret over someone she barely knew. Though she admits that she felt comfortable with her earlier during lunch just because she realized how Wendy has been consistent in fulfilling Seulgi's requests till the end, she even accompanied her to the doctor despite their feud last Monday. Maybe Wendy wasn't a user as she assumed her to be. Usually, that's her assumptions towards new people considering that she's a model and has connections with other celebrities. She had encountered a lot of them before, so she really raised her wall so high now and even prepared weapons to defend herself. It just so happened that Wendy got the first taste of that. But no user will do this extent for a promise, right? So she begun to think that Wendy must be a really nice person after all, her words last Monday was really painful to hear but it knocked out some sense to her after thinking about it.

Her eyes wandered outside the window. It's raining really hard now, good thing they managed to get back inside their apartment on the right time. The atmosphere is all gloomy and Irene didn't like rain as it gives her nostalgia. Events from the past that she wanted to forget are coming back. She's becoming teary eyed at the memories flashing back at her with every raindrop she caught when...


She shook her head, and picked her phone from her pocket. It's Seulgi.

"Irene! How's your check-up?"

"Uhm.. where are you? Can't you wait till you get here and ask me that personally?" Irene questioned as she looked at the wall clock. Just a few more hours and her friend will arrive, what's the sudden rush to hear the news.

"Whoah! Could you wear down your shield from me? Are you still with Wendy? Why the sudden coldness?" Seulgi interrogated to which Irene only sighed. Maybe she really got affected by Wendy's sudden disappearance after all or maybe because of the rain, the memories or maybe it's just one of the perks of being pregnant? She can no longer check on her mood swings and she finds herself easily irritated or emotional even on small trivial things.

"No, she's no longer with me. That friend of yours really irritates me." 

"Tell me something I don't know, Irene. But hey I thought she already warmed up to you? Did something happen again? What about the check up?"

"Who says she warmed up to me? I still dislike her. Anyways, relax Seul. Everything went well with the check up. Doctor Taeyeon is a family friend and I already ask her to stay quiet with my parents about my pregnancy even before I went to the appointment. At first she was shocked and almost object to my plans but it went well in the end." Irene sat on the sofa as she felt her legs getting tired from standing.

With the silence that Seulgi was giving her, she realized that she was waiting for more details. She sighed. "She basically did some tests to confirm my pregnancy since it's just been 3 weeks. She asked me a lot of questions about my medical history and gave me lots of tests, so far the feedback was well but she scolded me and advised not drink alcohol again as it would really affect the baby negatively. And she told me to come back after 6 weeks to start the prenatal check-ups and to fully check the baby's condition thoroughly."

"Come to think of it, it was only your first time to see an OB after you saw your PT result. You should follow what she said alright?"

"Yes, mom." Irene rolled her eyes but it was very clear how Seulgi sounded so relieved, much like how Wendy expressed earlier after finding out a good news.

"Gosh. Thank goodness, everything's alright. But what if your doctor reveals it to your parents?!"

"I trust Taeyeon. I told her that I will be the one to tell my parents when I'm ready."

"I hope everything would go well in the future once you tell them that..You should prepare what to say if ever they'll look for the father of that baby becaus-"

"Seulgi!! Come on now, let's go!" Irene heard a loud voice calling her friend over the phone. 

"Ah that was my colleague. We're gonna board now. Wait for me and we'll plan this out together okay? I'll be back by..uhmm.. around 8 or 9 tonight. Bye Irene!" Seulgi hurriedly end the call even before Irene got to say something back. She sighed and texted Seulgi to take care and have safe a safe travel.

Irene contemplated Seulgi's words. She really have to prepare for that time to come when she'll share her parents the news. Irene can imagine how her parents would cry if they all hear about the pregnancy without a father. She wonders if she could resolve that before she could meet up with them, but how? With that, she absent mindedly texted him.


"Wendy. Wendy! Wendy! Wake up!!"  

Wendy stirred from her sleep and sat up after she felt someone drastically shaking her body with a very loud voice calling her. Who in the world would visit her now? What time is it? She then realized that she had fallen asleep right after she went back from Irene's unit. Drowsiness constantly visits her, and she finds it as good news since it helps her to stop thinking.

"Hellooooo?! So when will you stop spacing out and actually acknowledge my presence now?" Her companion stick her face so near in front of Wendy's that it made the latter startled and get fully awake.

"What the?! Joy?!" 

"Hahaha! What was that face? You looked really funny! I thought your eyes were gonna pop out!" Joy was laughing so hard that she claps her hands together like a seal. She sure is enjoying this. 

"Ah! Joy!!! What's with the sudden visit?" Wendy finally awakens and finally face her cousin. 

"Unnie~!" She embraced Wendy all of a sudden. "My boyfriend and I had a fight!"

"Erm.. don't you have any other news to talk about? I mean, that's no longer new with the both of you." Wendy sighed like she's already tired from hearing this to which Joy pouted right away.

"You're no fun! At least accompany me to go clubbing for me to forget!" 

"Erm.. I'm really tired right now, and wait.. what time is it?" She squinted her eyes to see the clock clearly. 

"It's already 10pm! Go get some rest will you?! I promise that you'll forget about the fight of yours in no time." Wendy got back to her sleeping position and ignores Joy. "I bet when you wake up, both of you will get back together again like the usual." She murmured.

"Ahh!! Seriously, Wendy-unnie!!! At least let's go grab something to eat!! I didn't travel here for 2 hours to watch you sleeping!" Joy begun shaking Wendy again like a mad man.

After a few minutes...

"Gosh Joy, you're a big girl now and even got a boyfriend and maybe does something beyond your mother's likeness, and you can't even feed by yourself? Ugh." Wendy fished her coat to accompany her baby cousin outside. She had no choice to agree with her or Joy will plan out something else to bug her the entire night. 

"Oh stop it. I'm always fed up by my boyfriend." She smirked dirtily and Wendy just face palmed. "Now, now! Don't be so green minded!" 

"Ah, Joy! I can't stand hanging out with you if you're this vulgar." 

"You should date again, unnie. You're getting so grumpy now." Joy placed her arm around her cousin, it's always a perfect position for them since Wendy is smaller than her. And it's her way to show how much she missed her. She wanted to stay close. 


They opened the door to head out but Wendy's soul almost left her body at the sight the welcomed them. And with Joy being easily scared, she jumped out and screamed out loud causing the other neighbors open their windows to see what happened.

"What are you doing in front of my door, Irene? Ah, I almost had a heart attack!" Wendy scolded and she bowed apologetically to the neighbors eyeing them and closed their windows after.

"Well, I did not expect you have special ability to know I'm here that you opened the door before I even knock." Irene responded in her usual sarcastic tone. 

"OMO~Wait! Are you Irene?! The model?" Joy's terror was immediately replaced with excitement as she finally saw Irene's appearance clearly. 

"Uhm.. y-yes?!" 

"Wait. You know her?" Wendy looked at her in disbelief.

"Of course! She's the brand ambassador for Prada, Clinique, and Damiani! How could I not know her? She's my idol!" She jumped in excitement and hurriedly went inside the unit again to look for a pen and paper for signature that left the two women outside, speechless.

"Uh.. sorry about that. That was my cousin." Wendy laughed nervously earning a smirk from Irene.

"See? You're the only one who doesn't know me. You're so out of trends." 

"Hey! I'm not into fashion just like my cousin here. And.." She then murmured her next words. "I'd rather stay unknown to your existence in the first place." 

"What did you say?!" Irene said ready to throw a fit when Joy came back running to her with a pen and paper for a signature.

"Uwaa! Thank you! I'm a huge fan! I've been wanting to become a model someday!" Joy said happily when she got her signature and a photo. 

"Really? Thank you." 

"What brings you here anyway? Do you know my Wendy unnie?" She then turned to her cousin. "Wow unnie I didn't know you'll be friends with Irene here." 

"We're not friends!" They both aggressively denied. 

"O-okay! Okay! What's with the negative energy?!"

"Anyways, I'm here because..." Irene looked at Wendy worriedly this time. "Seulgi isn't here yet, she told me she'll come by around 8 to 9."

"Why you'd come here? Shouldn't you call Seulgi instead of standing here asking me where she is? Coz I don't know either." Wendy said nonchalantly, totally shrugging off Irene. Maybe because she haven't gotten her dinner yet that she's caught in a bad mood or maybe because Wendy remembers all of the rude things Irene had said to her previously.

"Hey! Why are you so rude?! She was just asking!" Joy immediately butted in when she saw a tinge of offended expression from her idol. 

"What? I was just telling the truth"

Irene scoffed. "I should have known you'll be like this. What was I even expecting from a stranger like you?" She rolled her eyes and ready to go back to her unit when Joy stopped her. 

"Hey sorry about my Wendy unnie. She's not like that at all, I'm sure you have reasons why you came to her asking for help right?" She looked at her cousin threateningly and gestured her to apologize which Wendy only ignored. Joy then wonders what made her kind unnie to do such rude action towards her idol. She felt embarrassed for her behaviour. "Ah! I'm really sorry Irene, why don't you call that Seulgi instead?" She resolved to giving advice in order to fix this weird atmosphere they're in.

"I wouldn't really come here if my calls got through. But whatever, I'll just find other ways. I shouldn't have bothered to get a help from your Wendy-unnie." Irene fumed which Wendy got the chills from. 

Wendy see through her anger the moment she looked at Irene. She regretted her rudeness right after she saw that tired and hurt look from her. Irene must have done a lot of ways in order to contact Seulgi, and she got no other choice but to ask her for help. Why would Irene even come to her if she found other ways? It's not like they are friends or even her presence is welcome with her. She must be really worried and yet here she was being an asshole. She sighed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I was in a bad mood, I haven't eaten dinner yet and my sleep was interrupted by this Joy so--"

"Forget it." Irene didn't bother for her to finish and went back to her unit.

That was Joy's cue in scolding Wendy nonstop. "Go fix this! I'll go get us something to eat!"

"Eh? Can't we just order delivery?"

"No. Fix this! How did you became like this? It's so not you! Go and apologize to her!" She looked at her with serious eyes and Wendy knew she made a mistake. Of course, even if Irene treated her badly before, she has no right to take revenge. It was so childish of her, she knew that. Come to think of it, Irene even gave her a meal just earlier. It's not a proper apology to whatever she did and say to her but at least it was a kind gesture. Regret was eating her alive now when everything comes to light. 

"Yeah. I should, uhm... Go now and take care on your way okay?"

Joy left her with that and Wendy was pacing back and forth in front of Irene's door. It took her a few more minutes to knock on her door when she finally found the courage to do so. 

After a few knocks, there was no answer and she had expected this, Irene must have known it was her anyways. Why would she open the door for her when she walked away from her?

"Uhm, Irene. Sorry about how I acted, I really regret it. It's just that I uhm..." She ran out of words. There really is no excuse for being rude. "I'm just so sorry. Let me in now so I could help in finding Seulgi, please?"

Wendy got surprised when Irene finally opened the door. She still have that annoyed look on her face, but the tiredness and weary eyes surely became more visible. Poor one, is it even healthy for her to stay up this late? It's already past 10.

"Help me find Seulgi and I'll think about forgiving you." Irene demanded to which Wendy only complied with.

It's okay Wendy, calm down. She's pregnant and you've became rude with her, so do as what she says. Wendy thought to herself.

"So do you know someone from her colleagues?" Wendy started asking as they sat on the living room. 

"I've already asked a few of her friends on my phonebook but none of them still know her whereabouts. I mean, they aren't part of their team building but I still tried anyway.."

"I see. Uhm what's the name of the company she's working at?"

"It's xx bank."

"Uhm what branch? Is it this one?" She pointed at the laptop and Irene nodded.

"Okay. I got it now. Go get some sleep and I'll call this. Just leave some of the phone numbers that could possibly be helpful for me to find her as well. If none of them gave us information then I'll call some authorities already to help us out."

"What? Are you sure? Why should I entrust everything to you? And do you think I could just sleep so easily knowing my friend's not here yet?" Irene was really shocked at Wendy's offer. Of course, she invited her in to get some help but she's still on her right mind not to give her all the responsibility.

"You look already tired and I'm sure it'll be bad for you and the baby so..." Wendy looked at her worriedly and Irene felt that Wendy genuinely cared for her at that moment. 

"I-uhm.. how should I know if you're not going to rob us or not?" Irene of course blurted out something as her defense to that still.

"Look. I may not have a job right now but I'm not in a state that would do something wrong just to eat. I still have money of my own, so will you stop accussing me?" Wendy then stood up, took her phone and started calling the numbers she collected from researching. 

By then, Irene knew that she got her really offended. She didn't really mean to say those words but it became so natural for her to shrug off everything and say nasty words for someone to leave her alone, to stop saying nice things to her since it might be a trap in the end. She sighed and went inside her bedroom. 


"Ah. Seriously, Seulgi you should borrow your colleague's phone to update your friend over here! She was worn out worried because of you! I thought you are concerned with her health?" Wendy said furiously as Seulgi finally went came back from her out of town company outing. Despite working so hard contacting lots of people, after an hour or so, Wendy heard dangling keys from the front door. At first she got nervous as she thought there was a bad guy out there so she took out a frying pan from the kitchen. Then it dawned to her that it might actually the person that they have been looking for. Before she could open the door though, Seulgi already got in. And that's how Wendy welcomed Seulgi with lots of scolding. 

"I'm so sorry! My phone battery run out and I forgot to charge my power bank. I was also drained out that I just slept the whole travel back. I didn't know the rain started pouring heavily on our way that caused our travel to be this delayed. Gosh, I didn't know you guys would be really this worried. I'm so sorry." Seulgi apologized to Wendy and she discovered that her roommate is in an uncomfortable sleeping position on the sofa with a blanket. Following the sorry gaze from her, Wendy sighed deeply and explained.

"I told her to sleep and I thought she went straight to her bed, but after a few minutes she got out and actually slept here. Just look at how uncomfortable she's sleeping. That's all because of you!" Wendy knocked Seulgi's head, still trying to compose herself and not lash out on her. "Ahh.. don't say sorry to me! Go apologize to her."

"Yup, I know. But she's already sleeping and I think she really needed some rest. I'll just explain to her everything by tomorrow." Seulgi said as she gestured Wendy to lower down their voices in order to do not disrupt Irene's rest.

"Well, she'll be sleeping peacefully if she knows you're here now and if she'll lie comfortably on her bed."

"I guess so. I'll make her sleep for a while then and just do what you said."

"Okay, you do that! I'm outta here." 

"Wait! I didn't expect you to be here, but hey I owe you a lot!" Seulgi then gave Wendy a huge bear hug and swayed their bodies sideways. Wendy can't help but get this lady forgiven just because she was so happy to be back and she was smiling brightly like she didn't really caused them trouble at all. Yep, Seulgi's really back. 

"Well, your friend over there asked me to. Anyways, I'm glad you are back! Finally, I won't be burdened by our promise anymore. And will you please get off me now, I need to eat and get some sleep too." 

Joy checked on Wendy 45 minutes ago, she brought the food that she got them but Wendy said that she'll just eat her portion once she get back to her unit. She can't find the appetite to eat knowing that someone might actually be missing. She might vomit whatever she'll put into her stomach since she's so tensed.

"Oh! That reminds me, I have some souvenirs and some food from the trip. I want to give you some since you've been very kind to us and..." Seulgi rummage her baggage for those items and when she found it, she looked back behind her and Wendy was already gone. She tried to catch up to her but Wendy's already inside her unit. "Aw. I must have given her a lot of trouble that she wanted to escape from us right away." She pouted and close their front door. be continued...

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