Part 1/2
"I don't think she's serious" Irene stated before she set her cup of hot chocolate on the dining table. Her glance passed through the shoulders of the companion in front of her, eyeing the small figure of a short haired lady."You're saying that after she's been courting you up until now?" Seulgi retorted back as she turned around also looking at the target of Irene's attention, then back at her.
"Well, she's not asking me for my response." Irene shrugged yet a smile graced her face when she saw Wendy laughing at whatever her little sister was talking about with her.
As if her smile was contagious, Seulgi also smiled at what she was witnessing from her friend.
"Maybe Wendy thought you're not yet ready to answer her."
"It's been almost 6 months now, Seulgi." Irene said. Finally she set her eyes to her companion, to emphasize her words to her.
"Well if she asks you now, what will be your answer then?" Seulgi then asked. She had witnessed everything that happened between Irene and Wendy from that whole span of time. How Wendy strived to catch Irene's attention at first, how Wendy finally get Irene nonchalantly saying 'okay' after she asked if she could court her, and how Wendy persevered all this time just to get Irene's long-awaited 'YES' if she could become her girlfriend. But that last one has yet to happen.
To be honest, Seulgi felt bad for Wendy throughout her journey to win Irene. She knew that Wendy had a tough time paving her way to Irene's heart, and yet the sincerity and her good motives outshine above her hardships so she could only hope for Wendy to succeed. Seulgi just wanted Irene, her closest friend, to finally land in good hands and she knew that Wendy is suited for her on that.
"Hey babe!" Wendy winked at her target as she posed cooly beside Irene who's busy taking something out of her locker.
Irene only rolled her eyes, she was already used to this girl becoming a nuisance to her day. "You, again. And will stop calling me babe? I'm not your baby." She then closed her locker and started to walk towards her class.
"Well, to me, you are." The short haired girl swiftly moved the moment Irene started walking out.
"Will you stop pestering me for once?!" Irene started walking faster to get rid of Wendy but the latter paced up as well.
"You know I like you so I wouldn't do that." Wendy said as she wiggled her eyebrows to which Irene fumed after witnessing.
"Aren't you getting tired? I've already rejected you,right? So why are you still here?" She finally stopped, glaring at the lady annoying her.
"No, I'm not getting tired. And yes, you did multiple times rejected me but I've also told you countless times that I'm serious about you, right? So I won't stop until you say yes to me courting you." Wendy responded, and Irene was sure she saw a pain from her eyes when she mentioned about the rejection. But still, she will not waver because she doesn't really have any ounce of like towards this annoying delinquent girl.
"If you're serious about me, you will listen to me and obey my orders for you to get lost!" Irene almost shouted which made Wendy winced a bit and finally backed off, for the day.
"I don't know, to be honest. I'm not even sure if she still likes me." Irene finally answered and brought Seulgi back to present.
"After all this time? She's been there by your side every time, obeying your orders except the one where you wanted her to get lost of course, but still... you know what I mean right?"
"I know.. I know.. but.." Irene bit her lip hesitating as if she'll say something or not.
"Spill it out." Seulgi knew her friend very well so she had to ask.
"I'm not sure if you have heard the rumors going around in campus but..." She looked at Wendy again as if looking for an answer to a question she's about to reveal.
"What is it about?" Seulgi wasn't the type to gossip around so she had to ask, again.
"That Wendy's becoming closer to a student below her batch."
Seulgi blinked multiple times, she squinted her eyes waiting for the latter to laugh as if she's just telling a joke. But looking at Irene, she seemed to be serious about it considering how her eyes gazed downward afterwards.
Seulgi sighed. "Have you asked Wendy about it?"
Irene looked at her with wide eyes. "You think I could just ask her that? When we don't have any label? I don't even know what's with us anymore."
"I could feel your frustrations over here." Seulgi said as she witnessed Irene pulling out her hair after saying her words. "Then why don't you just put label with whatever's in between you two? I mean, your response is the only thing that Wendy's waiting for before you guys officially become lovers. Seriously, if you'd ask me, you're the one who's in control of everything right now when it comes to Wendy."
"Have you not heard me Seulgi? I said that I'm no longer sure if Wendy's serious about me. She haven't even asked for my answer all this time!" Irene exasperatedly explained.
"Irene, calm down."
"How can I do that?" She said in a low voice and Seulgi kinda pity her right now.
"With the way you're over reacting towards a rumor and the way you're speaking right now, I can hundred percent assume that you finally, like finally, liked back Wendy now." Seulgi was being giddy, she found happiness over the long awaited victory of Wendy.
"There's nothing to be happy about, Seul. She doesn't like me anymore."
"And why do you think Wendy is here in your house today, talking with your little sister then? Can you explain that to me? I think I'm about to get a headache."
"Hey babe, how's your day?" Wendy asked as she occupied the seat beside Irene in the cafeteria. Irene could only sigh loudly the moment she heard her voice, as if tired of the world already, she ignored her.
"Hi Wendy!" Seulgi greeted with her eye smile.
"Hi Seulgi, how's your day?" Wendy smiled back, at least there was Seulgi to brighten up her day.
"Good. So how's it going with Irene, any progress?" She asked loudly earning a groan from her friend.
"No progress at all, but I'm not quitting."
"Until when you'll pursue her?"
"Until I realize that she doesn't really want anything to do with me at all."
"And you haven't realized yet that I don't want anything to do with you ever?!" Irene finally joined the conversation. Why are they even talking about her in front of her anyway?
Wendy smiled. "Well, you were the one who confessed to me first remember?"
Irene recalled the past and wanted to cling over Wendy's words. "Do you think I made her realize something bad? For her to not like me anymore?"
"Why are you so negative? A few seconds earlier as I checked, she's still pursuing you. So what's with that brain of yours?"
"Maybe she realized I've said too many harsh words to her before?" Irene said not listening to Seulgi at all.
"Why were you so annoyed by Wendy before anyway? You guys haven't revealed anything about that till this day."
"Remember when she said that I was the one who confessed to her first? In one of our conversations in the cafeteria? Does that still ring a bell?"
"Omo, I almost forgot about that. Was that true?"
"You remember Suho?"
"Okay... so how does Suho connect with you confessing to Wendy?"
"You know from the start that I don't like guys, right? And I was sure that I didn't give any signal to any men at all, but that Suho was forcing himself on me. I mean, he's asking me out on a date and all..."
She examined Seulgi first for any glint of familiarity with whatever she was saying, and seeing her immersed with her words and staying quiet made Irene continue.
"So I grabbed any pretty lady around in the hallway we're in and told Suho that I'm that lady's girlfriend for him to back off. And it was effective, but I didn't realize it was Wendy, the student who's most popular on being a chic magnet and a delinquent who I grabbed that day."
"Wow." Seulgi clapped slowly, amused. Irene hit her instantly to stop her.
"It sounds superficial right? But that really happened."
"I thought these things happen in movies only. But look at that!" Seulgi mocked but was insanely interested to their story.
"Stop it, Seul. I was totally out of options to get rid of that Suho."
"I'm not really the type to believe in fate or anything unbelievable but do you think it's fate playing with you two?"
Irene was about to puke. Sure, she's falling for Wendy but that doesn't change a thing that she's allergic to everything sappy and greasy and mushy. And out of all people she knew, it was coming from Seulgi.
"Everything's just a coincidence my friend. But I guess if it weren't Wendy, I don't think we'll end up where we are today. I mean, nobody dares to get close to me except her after all those viscious rejections and humiliations I made her face."
"Aww poor Wendy. But hey, she's serious when she says she really wanted to win your heart despite it all, huh?"
"Dammit, Wendy! I don't like you! How many times do I have to tell you that?! It was all just an act, me declaring that I was your girlfriend. Stop being delusional and move on!" Irene shouted at Wendy in front of all people surrounding them. They were in a prom night, and right after Irene was done dancing with Seulgi, Wendy went straight at her to ask for permission for a dance with her.
Irene refused right away but Wendy was confident to dance with her that night. She held Irene's hand carefully just to stop her from leaving but what made Wendy startled was the unexpected hand flying to slap her on her face. Irene slapped her. What did she even do to deserve that from her? Did she held her wrist too strong that it hurt her? Wendy was puzzled.
"I just wanted a friendly dance with you, that's all." Wendy said with teary eyes to which Irene felt bad but she couldn't bring herself to apologize. Not in front of these people witnessing this drama.
"Oh come on, Irene?! What did you just do?!" Seulgi said right away after the exchange. She pitied Wendy for yet another embarrassment that Irene put her into.
"Wendy, why are being so stupid about me? Can you just leave me alone? I beg you." Irene said softly this time. She knew she went overboard and that she somehow regrets her actions but she can't help it. She believed that what she did to Wendy was the result of her outburst of annoyance she held back for the girl.
"I told you, I want to win your heart. So I won't back-off even if you embarrass me in front of all these people." Wendy said as she slightly recovered from the stinging pain still lingering on her cheek.
Irene and Seulgi only looked at her like they were about to go insane. Irene bit her lip, trying to control her anger that once again emerging while Seulgi looked at Wendy in disbelief. How far could one go when it comes to love? Seulgi could only wonder.
Irene, without a reply from Wendy's remarks, walked out that event after.
"Why didn't you like her from the beginning anyway?" Seulgi asked then Irene was once again snapped back to present. "Wendy is beautiful, smart, rich and famous in school. Everyone likes her except you."
"It just scared me. All of a sudden the famous Wendy wanting to court me."
"Oh so, the truth finally came out!" Seulgi said amused yet again. Her discoveries within this day from her friend surely feels like a confession of sins in the church. Yet, she knew she has no right to judge her. Not to be in resemblance to a priest but because she is her best friend after all.
"Your insecurities holding you back, right from the start... seriously, Irene. Look at you, if Wendy is famous in our campus, tell me if you're incomparable to that. You're as famous as her! Hello?!! Campus' girl crush?" Seulgi stated as a matter of fact. She doesn't know anymore what was poisoning Irene's thoughts all this while. But at least it's better that everything is coming out at once now.
"Like I told you earlier, Wendy is famous for being a delinquent as well. She smokes, her friends are the same, and she's always surrounded by other female. How will I trust that her motive to court me was because of love? What if it was all just a bet? Like what the movies shows us?"
"Irene, just because she smokes means you could call her a delinquent. Stop judging her because of that, and anyway she quit right the moment you told her that you don't want the smell of a cigarette smoke right? And come on, those girls surrounding her were her close friends. Rose, Lisa, Sejeong, Krystal, it just so happen that those people are so close, like really close, to her. Wendy is likeable after all, reason why I really don't understand why you hated her. And for god sake, this is reality not a movie. This is basically your love story Irene."
"Okay." Irene sighed deeply. She had given up.
"Okay? Like okay I can court you now?" Wendy asked with a gleam in her eyes. She felt like crying, finally all her hardships paid off!
Irene was battling a smile appearing on her face. She can't help it when Wendy was showing her goofy excited face.
"Will you relax? It's not like I've said yes to you to become my lover."
"Well, to me it's one step closer to that! I mean that was one big leap to your heart! I'm so happy!" She clasped both of Irene's hands due to her adrenaline rush to which made the latter startled. But Irene did not push her away for some odd reason of being amused to what she's witnessing in front of her. Wendy could be really adorable at times.
"Excuse us for interrupting your heart to heart talk with Seulgi, but aren't you guys forgetting that you have a guest?" Yeri, the litlle sister of Irene, set foot to where they were and reminding them of the forgotten Wendy.
Irene then stopped reminscing as she saw Wendy's figure just right beside Yeri, she blushed at the sight of her.
Seulgi, who witnessed Irene's inability to speak due to being foolishly in love, believed that she has to do something for their growing love. "Oh, yeah, by the way, it's time for me to leave now. Wendy!!" She stood up from her seat and raised her hand in front of Wendy.
Wendy who was confused did the same, and when the hand was raised, Seulgi hit it immediately and said. "Pass! Now, Irene is all yours." She winked and vanished from the dining area without forgetting to take Yeri with her.
Irene on the other hand panicked and couldn't look straight at Wendy, not when her heart was nowhere stable upon her conversation with Seulgi. A lot of flashbacks were enough for her heart to be disturbed like, now.
"Uhm, I think I'll go as well. I already ate dinner here , which wasn't my intention in the first place, but your family is really welcoming. I'm kinda getting attached." Wendy said as she smiled at Irene. It's been almost six months that Wendy came in and out of this household, Irene's family became her family as well instantly. Irene's parents were really scary at first, where could Irene inherit those traits in the first place but them, but Wendy did her best to warm up to them. As much as she could, she would show them courtesy, give them gifts whenever she comes during someone's birthday celebration or other important occasions. Wendy would also did her best to help in some other ways, like household chores, cleaning the backyard, etc. She could be mistaken as their maid now by their neighbors. That's how often she comes to Irene's house. Thankfully the parents were really open-minded when it comes to their daughter's preferences.
Aside from Irene, the only thing that Wendy find quite difficult was her little sister, Yeri. No matter how much Wendy tries to pull out her bad side from deep within herself, she just can't put up with the devil. Wendy had to suffer to Yeri's several pranks, constant nagging, constant 'buy me this, buy me that' kind of things. Wendy, being whipped for Irene, did her best and gave in to whatever requests Yeri wanted. Surprisingly, despite that toxic relationship she has with Yeri, they both became closer. Yeri always confides to Wendy when she has problems, be it at school homework, crushes, allowances and family misunderstandings.
Wendy thought that the only person that she had not win by this time was Irene, the one she's actually courting.
"Oh. Sorry I was not able to talk to you after we had dinner, it's just that Seulgi came to visit as well. You know, we haven't seen each other for weeks." Irene said a bit guilty. Wendy lives away to her house with about 2 hours of travel time, and yet...
"It's okay. Seulgi is important..." Wendy said without malice, she just say what she really considered as a fact in the life of Irene.
Irene however felt her heart quenched. Seulgi is important, and Wendy isn't? "I-I'm sorry." She apologized right away.
Wendy who saw Irene feeling guilty, panicked. "Ah! No-no-no-no! I don't mean anything wrong about that of course. Seulgi is your bestfriend after all. So what I'm saying is that, it's only normal to give more importance to her of course." She said it without a thought of comparing herself to Seulgi at first but that came out from her mouth with slight bitterness. She suddenly thought that perhaps, she was really a nobody when it comes to Irene. That was really a painful thought, but it's not the first time that it crossed her mind. Wendy knew it from the very start, but she dared to battle it out just because she was really curious and in love with Irene.
"Anyways, I'll be going now."
"Wait, I'll walk you to your car."
"You don't have to."
"I insist." Irene said as she dragged Wendy out of the house.
When they set foot outside and started walking slowly to Wendy's car, both of them has something to say to each other but they couldn't find the courage to do so.
"Wendy! You wouldn't believe it, but your precious Irene who's famous for having a scary resting bitch face approached us." Krystal announced the moment she reached Wendy's location. She rolled her eyes while saying the 'precious' word and immediately took one cigarrette from her freshly opened pack. "Lights?" She turned to Wendy hand gesturing a lighter.
Wendy gave her a lit and Krystal instantly inhaled a smoke. "You shouldn't be the one saying that you know. I mean, you do have that same RBF after all." Wendy reminded her friend jokingly. "And here, since I stopped smoking, this one's yours now."
Krystal rolled her eyes to her remark but she accepted the lighter willingly."Well surprisingly, she helped us earlier. It was shocking and funny at the same time coz we weren't expecting her to do such kind act." She examined for a while the lighter, it was something that Wendy always buys and lose after once or twice of usage despite it's expensive value. "Thanks for this! I'll make sure to keep it till it's last light"
Wendy giggled at her reaction but clears her throat as she wanted to know more about the first topic. "So.., how did you met her?"
"Earlier when Sejeong and I were on our way to the gym carrying boxes of materials we'll use for our P.E., Irene and her bear-like companion helped us out of nowhere."
"Just that?" Wendy asked as if she was expecting bigger news.
"Just that? Well, to me it was surprising! Like heck, that demon has some tiny bit of kindness running through her veins. Ugh, I'm gonna get back on Sejeong after making me carry all the heavy ones."
"Well I knew from the start that she's kind and caring to others even with that resting bitch face you have mentioned earlier. So I'm not surprised." Wendy laughed at the thought to which Krystal looked at her, confused.
"You always brag about Irene and her superficial angelic traits and yet you don't elaborate. How can we, your friends, believe that when what we usually witness with Irene was her sick attitude towards you. Always pushing you away and embarrassing you?" Krystal puffed a smoke the last time from her cigarette stick and throw it on the ground before stepping on it.
"At least with that you believed me now, right? Witnessing that trait of hers I was bragging about. I mean, there's a saying 'to see is to believe' after all." Wendy giggled while she looked at Krystal with a disbelieving look emanating from her face.
"You're unbelievable. But just because she helped me once and called her kind for that matter doesn't mean that I have approved of her for you. I just couldn't forget all the hellish events you have suffered because of her."
"I told you guys, don't judge a book by it's cover. You guys are just seeing one side of her everytime."
"Wendy, will you stop blurting out quotations you just found on the internet!"
"But they hold huge impact if you apply them right, though." Wendy pouted to which Krystal sighed. She knew, even if Wendy doesn't voice out anything, Wendy is still hurt with their habit of bad mouthing Irene's bitchy personality. But what can they do? If it weren't for Wendy stopping them, they would have pulled Irene's hair and started a fight from long ago. Nobody messes with their ball of sunshine in their group which is Wendy.
Their circle of friends doesn't understand why Wendy is so head over heels with Irene, setting aside the fact that the girl has ethereal beauty, other than that they think that Irene is really garbage. So, they just don't understand why. And considering also that Wendy doesn't really look at physical appearances as her criteria to like someone, there really must be something else. Wendy is the type of person that is friends with everyone, it no longer surprises them everytime Wendy started talking to a stranger out of nowhere everywhere they go. She's the really the epitome of kindness on earth, so the group wanted to protect her no matter what. But for some odd reason, they just couldn't protect Wendy from Irene.
Upon witnessing Wendy go through the lengths of things she could do for Irene, the group just don't want to fall in love. Love is such an odd occurence, and they don't want to mess nor get involved with it. Love makes everyone fools and Krystal, Sejeong, and Rose are too smart for it.
"Looking at you, I don't want to fall in love." Krystal sighed in defeat. "Ah! But seriously Wends, me and our circle of friends still don't get what is the thing you have seen in her. It must be something huge, huh?"
"Trust me, you don't have a say when it comes to love. It's inevitable, one thing you knew it already slapped you on the face... and it's really hard."
The moment Krystal heard Wendy's statement made her want to puke, so she made a gagging sound as her usual reaction to Wendy's cheesy moments. Krystal is too dark for such sweetness... it's not her style. "Ew".
"So, I'll go now." Wendy gestured going inside her car to Irene. She flashed her usual soft smile that feels like nothing's wrong going inside her now.
Irene examined her, she knew after spending all this while with Wendy, there was something bizarre. "Wait!" She stopped Wendy from going inside her car and held her hand. Wendy almost lose her shit at the contact.
"U-uhm... yes?" Wendy asked nervously.
"You... did something happen? Do you have something to say to me right now?" Irene doesn't know exactly what but she felt like Wendy wanted to say something to her that she's been contemplating whether to say or not. Wendy was acting weird the moment she stepped in their house. Somehow, for an unknown reason, she felt nervous and worried.
Wendy glanced at Irene but broke the contact the moment their eyes met. And from there, Irene confirmed that there really is something going on. Wendy usually doesn't avert her eyes anywhere, it always has been Wendy taking all the time in this world looking at her like she's the only one that matters. It always made Irene uncomfortable in their early stage of their weird relationship but lately it was the only thing that made her heart race.
"Wendy?" Irene called and stopped the latter from her squirmy and nervous state.
"Uhm.. I.. I-uhm just wanted to say something..." Wendy said shyly and it made Irene's heart beat so fast.. faster than it's usual state whenever she's with Wendy. Could it be the event she's been anticipating? Will Wendy finally ask her now?
"What is it?" Irene asked still trying to act normal when her heart is already about to explode.
"I know it's been a long time now that I'm pursuing I-uhm.." Wendy rubbed the back of her neck even if it wasn't strained or itchy, it's been her habit whenever she's anxious about something.
Irene gulped nervously.
"I've been thinking about this for a long time now, but I'm sure it wouldn't shock you or anything if I were to say it now." Wendy once again looked at the latter's expressions to find hints that confirms her thoughts. She smiled to herself bitterly and sighed deeply.
Irene was already loosing her mind, she's so nervous but even so, she have learned how to hide her true emotions over the years so no one is able to see right through her. So she'll be fine now right? Because she have to, to stay firm and hear out Wendy asking her to be hers clearly.
"I came here today to tell you that, I'll stop pursuing you now." Wendy said and even though it was painful for her to say those words in front of her, she still do so in order to convey to Irene how much she's also grateful for the past that they have shared. She looked at Irene for reactions and yet again, it was all the same and it hurts Wendy knowing that perhaps she was true that she didn't matter to her after all this while pursuing her.
Irene on the other hand was dying inside. Did she heard her right? Her world started collapsing, she was expecting something else, something that she thought both of them could celebrate and not this. How did they ended up here? Was she right all along? That Wendy found someone else in that girl younger than her?
"I at least have the right to know why, right?" Irene's voice came out shaking, and she hates showing weaknesses but she can't help it. She can't help it when her heart is breaking.
"Because I realized that..." Wendy paused for a moment to tame her aching heart at the self-deprecating words she's about to say. "That maybe the words inside my head were right, that you might really not want to do anything with me."
"Until when you'll pursue her?"
"Until I realize that she doesn't really want anything to do with me at all."
"And you haven't realized yet that I don't want anything to do with you ever?!" Irene finally joined the conversation.
Irene gasped as if Wendy's words right now and the memory from the past weaved together to haunt her now. She started having difficulty to breathe at her current state when reality is breaking her into pieces. A reality that the Wendy who wanted her for a long time vanished right before her eyes. Irene wanted to say something, at least to disagree on Wendy's false claims about her feelings towards her, but she couldn't do so because right now, she was too focused on trying hard to hold back her tears. She knew that once she shed even a single tear, it would be the start of her breakdown.
Both of them remain oblivious of each other's true feelings towards one another. They stood in silence for a few seconds, Wendy looking anywhere but Irene while the latter was already having an emotional breakdown inwardly even before she knew it's already happening.
The painful silence only ended when Yeri's presence appeared before them. "Irene- unnie, there's a phone call for you. There was a sense of urgency so I had to call you out." She then apologized to Wendy. "Sorry Wendy-unnie."
Yeri was young but she knows how to read a bad situation and right now is one of it. The tension was real between the two and no matter how much she wanted to know the reason behind it, she has huge respect for her two favorite unnies to even ask anything.
Wendy stepped outside the convenience store to have a smoke. Her broke friends wanted to have cheap dinner so they crashed to the place after Krystal lost in a toss coin game. Wendy was just happy to accompany her friends wherever and whatever the events are. Because whether they are big or small, as long as she's with her friends, she's already having the time of her life. She glanced at the dirty window glass pane to see her friends bickering over what to order and with the looks of it, it's Krystal again giving a disgusting look at every order suggestions that the others give. Wendy laughed to herself, Krystal could be such a brat sometimes.
Wendy feels like she's so lucky in this world, having the best things she have in life right now and she doesn't have much problem to think about too unlike anyone else. And because of that feeling, she fears that one day all of it would disappear. That's why she wanted to share the happiness to everyone so that once it disappears to her, she knows that she already spread the remnants of it somewhere else to continue existing and maybe someday that happiness would be back to her again.
Truth be told, there was actually someone that taught her think that way and it was someone she would never forget.
"What is she doing?" Lisa asked her friends while they were currently making a commotion from the other buyers on the line. She was asking about Wendy who's now looking at a distance.
Sejeong answered. "You never get used to Wendy. She's always like that when she's thinking deeply but you will never understand." She then shake her head looking at Lisa.
Lisa was then provoked and crossed her arms. "What are you implying?"
"She says you don't think so you'll never understand" Krystal licked her ice cream while saying that nonchallantly.
"What the fu-?!" Her mouth was covered immediately by Rose before she could say any bad words.
"Now, now. Stop fighting children." She shook her head disapprovingly while holding Lisa's mouth. "Is she okay?" Rose asked Krystal who looked worried at Wendy outside as well.
"I think she's in love." Lisa blurted out when she finally escaped Rose' hand suffocating her.
"What the fuck?!" It was Krystal finally saying the curse words and Lisa's eyes grew bigger.
"Hey Rose, why didn't you stop Krystal from saying that? You're so obvious with your favoritism."
"Because that's all our reactions combined to what you're saying." Rose rolled her eyes.
"You actually believe such bluff? There's no such thing as love." Sejeong said disgustingly.
"You guys are so bitter. Is that how it feels when you don't have a love life?" Lisa said confidently... and mockingly. She has the upper hand on that one anyway, because she got Jennie as her girlfriend.
"Ew." Krystal rolled her eyes and the rest of the bitter ones ignored her and resume picking whatever the hell there is on the menu. The cheap ones.
"Huh! You can't forever bully me y'all, when you guys haven't experienced love." She bragged and went her way to Wendy outside, maybe she could redeem a friend in Wendy now that she pisses off everyone else.
"You okay?" Lisa asked.
"Oh. Yup, why?" Wendy asked in return and she offered Lisa a cigarette to which the latter shook her head.
"Nope. I already quit that thing."
Wendy then looked at her in disbelief. "Really? Since when?"
"Since Jennie asked me to stop yesterday." Lisa said like quitting smoking was the easiest thing to do on the planet.
"Wow. That needed a lot of willpower to quit. I mean, you've been a chain smoker since, like... forever." She smirked.
"Hey! I'm not like that! Well, I love Jennie, so..." She shrugged to which Wendy laughed.
"Maybe I could do the same." Wendy said shortly and Lisa looked at her knowingly.
"OMG!" Her eyes grew bigger and her smile wider. "I knew it! OMG, those bitter ones would shit a brick! HAHAHA!" She laughed loudly to which the other passerby looked at her like she lost her mind.
Wendy laughed along with her, but hers was elegant and Lisa's wasn't.
"Why are you so happy over what I said? I said the 'maybe' at first, right?"
"Nah! I was just happy over my victory, Wendy. I'm always happy when I'm on the sweet side and not on the dark and bitter side like it was inside." Lisa pointed inside the convenience store to which she make face when her eyes met Krystal's.
Wendy blinked her eyes, trying to comprehend her friend. "You guys are at it again, what nonsense did you guys fight about this time?"
"It's not important Wends, and it's bitter so let's forget about that." She brought Wendy closer to her by placing her right arm above Wendy's shoulders, she whispered. "So who's the lucky girl?"
Wendy didn't think twice, she described the girl she met at the waiting shed the other night while waiting for a bus. Lisa may looked like she's a clown in the group but she's actually really good when it comes to lending an ear and giving some advice, so Wendy felt safe telling her about that encounter she had. Well, she's comfortable with anyone in their circle of friends, it's just that she knew it was only Lisa who could understand her on this kind of matter anyway.
"Can I just point out?" Lisa said once Wendy was done telling her story.
"What?" Wendy looked puzzled.
"Your eyes were sparkling when you describe her."
"I-Is it a bad thing?"
"You inexperienced fool." Lisa jokingly said and Wendy shook her head. "Don't worry, Wends! Your sunbae in love's here to help you out."
"I was just asking whether that's a bad thing or not and you're here bragging nonsense right in front of me. Like, what the fu--" This time, it was Wendy caught by Rose' hand to shut her up.
"Our orders are ready, go inside before the little monsters eat up everything." Rose then looked at Wendy with a scolding face. "Since when did you start cursing?!"
"I'm outta here. Let's go Wends, we'll continue our conversation tomorrow at school. We're gonna hunt down a babe tomorrow!" Lisa escaped, she knew the blame would fall unto to her so it's better now she flee as a whole.
"What's she talking about?" Rose put her hands on her waist as if scolding a little Wendy.
"It was nothing, really. Shall we go inside? I'm starving!"
"Wendy, you shouldn't listen to Lisa's shits and stuff okay? Remember our rule, never go down her level."
Wendy chuckled. "You guys tease Lisa way too much and yet I know that you guys would throw a fit when someone else try to bully her."
"Of course. No one bullies her but us." Rose said boastfully and then her reaction changed when she suddenly remembers Lisa's been bullying them back too. "Hey, Wendy! You just didn't see her bully us back there but she was the one making fun of us!" She whines but Wendy already went inside.
The next day at the cafeteria...
"Holy mother of fu-"
"LISA!!!" Krystal, Sejeong and Rose said in unison. They don't want Wendy to pick up such kind of words.
Wendy chuckled at the scene. This is the reason why people thought of them wrongly but she doesn't mind because she knows the truth about them and that's what's important.
"I was just so shocked at the realization that the person you described to me yesterday was none other than the one and only baest bae in the campus. Like the literal Bae."
"Can your voice be any louder? 'coz I think only 80% of this school's students heard what you said." Krystal said in her usual sarcastic tone while Wendy face palmed.
"Poor Wendy, you must have regretted you told your secret first to her." Sejeong joined the conversation.
"Lesson learned, Wends. Next time, tell a secret to any of us trustworthy friends and leave out Lisa to anything. She doesn't contribute anything useful anyways."
"I only asked Jennie if she knew a girl with whatever Wendy's description was and I never expected she would hit the bull's eye for me." Lisa said apologetically at Wendy. "Don't worry Wends, I leave out the part that you like Irene from Jennie. So your secret is still safe."
"It's impossible not to realize who that was, I mean Wendy literally laid the most obvious description of a Bae Irene right there in front of you and you have no clue at all." Krystal said.
"Seriously guys, stop fighting over it and could you ALL also stop shouting her name? Like... I won't be surprised anymore if she actually heard you all by now." Wendy sighed, she wasn't ready for her secret crush to be revealed and never in this kind of way.
"So, anyone here who have encountered Irene personally other than Wendy? We all know that she's the campus' girl crush and is a higher batch so I think it's a bit hard." Krystal started asking seriously and this time with a low voice for them to be heard only.
"Come to think of it, she's really popular Wendy. How come you didn't knew it was her?" Rose asked.
"I know and heard the name before, but I didn't know her face. That's why..."
"She's way too busy with the actual girls in front of her to even bother about just a popular name." Sejeong added for Wendy who's slightly blushing.
"But now it will all end because someone finally caught her heart" Lisa smiled knowingly at Wendy while the others make gagging sound as usual.
"Will you guys stop? I'm losing my appetite here." Krystal said disgustingly. "Back to my question though? Anyone here got to interact with Ms. Bae?"
The group only shook their heads stating that they haven't. "Well I'm not surprised. Irene, despite being popular, seems to be very anti-social. She's often quiet and does not entertain company except the bear looking thing always beside her, Jisoo..." Rose then turned to Lisa. "..and Jennie."
Lisa then smiled at the mention of her girlfriend's name only for Krystal to roll her eyes at her reaction.
"The bear's name is Seulgi, I think." Sejeong corrected. "I heard her name one time in the hallway."
"That doesn't matter, Sejeong. I need information about Irene here not the bear. Come on, focus." Krystal said almost angry.
"Why is she so serious about this?" Rose mouthed to Lisa, which she only shrugged.
"Guys, I don't need anything anymore now that I know her name. That's enough for me." Wendy finally spoke and she was telling the truth. For now, knowing these additional facts about Irene, she'll be contented and probably just watch her from afar. And maybe.. just maybe.. If fate gives her an opportunity then that's when she'll make a move and get closer to Irene. She'll make sure that she would grab it and hold onto it tightly.
"But Wendy..." Krystal whined.
"Stop it." And then there was silence that befalls them. Krystal just wanted to help because she wanted to make her friend happy, that was all.
"Let's just abide whatever Wendy says about her little crush, okay? Besides, there's nothing you can do anyway, I mean, you don't have a love life either." Lisa finally started... a war.
"Damn you!!!"
"Ignoring those two cat fighting right now." Rose was referring to Krystal and Lisa then she continued. "I think you already leave an impression with Irene too, Wendy."
Wendy was then caught by that. "What do you mean?"
"Of course, we haven't forgotten about how popular you are as well." Sejeong butted in, totally agreeing with Rose.
"Holy shi-"
"WENDY!!!" The girls scolded.
"Do you think, she knew it was me?!"
"So what if she knew it was you? Wouldn't be that an advantage?" Krystal finally calmed down but her hands were still on Lisa's neck, strangling her.
"There's no way she wouldn't notice it was you. Unless Irene's like you who doesn't care about famous people's names as well." Sejeong stated.
"Oh no!" Wendy said whi'e blushing. She was embarrassed over something and was about to pull her hair when Lisa spoke.
"Oh I get it! Something BIG might have happened in that waiting shed!!!" Lisa concluded.
"I'll be there in a minute, Yeri." Irene said to which Yeri nodded and went inside the house. Her voice were clearly shaking despite the effort of making it still.
She sighed deeply before asking, "Was there someone else?" There. She finally asked about it, because it's been bothering her now and if she didn't ask about it before they part, Irene knew well that she'll fall apart once they saw them together in campus.
"W-what?! Of course there was nobody else, Irene." Wendy said turning pale at the thought. She couldn't take off her eyes from Irene all this time pursuing her so how could she even see anyone else?
Irene's heart melts at what she heard but it doesn't take away the pain that they are both parting.
"Then who was the girl you're being close with in the lower batch?!" Irene said almost shouting and it made Wendy startled a bit.
Wendy thought for a while before something pops out from her head. "Oh you meant...Joy? "
"I don't know who that is, and I don't care really. I just heard you've been close to her lately. So it must be her that made you stopped pursuing me." Irene huffs. She's feeling mixed emotions right now, from happy then hurt, sad and now angry or even jealous! Damn Wendy for making her feel different emotions at once.
"Joy's my cousin, Irene."
That short response from Wendy finally made Irene shut up with her baseless accusations. "Oh. S-sorry."
"It's okay. It's better that everything's clear before we part. There was no one else, Irene. And I honestly am not sure if there will be anyone else in the future."
"Then why are you stopping?! Did I do something wrong for you to think that way? I know I've done you wrong in our early stage of knowing each other, but I've changed!" Irene said almost out of breath once finished.
Wendy blinked, trying to figure out what Irene is trying to say. "Does she want me to continue pursuing her?" She thought to herself.
Due to Wendy's silence, Irene continued her rage. Wendy wanted to clear everything? Then Irene would do the same and no one's stopping her now from revealing her realest feelings and thoughts not even Yeri who's still calling her non stop because of that damn phone call. Wendy is more important. Her overflowing feelings right now is more important!
"You know what? I hate you! When you first approached me while we were on the shed, you act so nice towards me. I almost believed your act despite knowing that a huge number of students in our school hates me for being the campus girl crush, for being popular, for being pretty, for whatever reasons I don't know! But since it was you, the famous Son Wendy who's actually popular also for being nice towards anybody... I thought there was hope in you, for not hating me, for acting so kind to me without evil intentions like the others. But the next day proved me wrong, I hear you and your friends cursing while hearing my name as well. Who knows what you guys have been talking about me? I was so disappointed and mad at you so I made sure to always avoid you because you're just like everybody else. You're a jerk, a chic magnet and a delinquent after all! And then there was the incident with Suho, and accidentally saying you were my girlfriend for him to stop pestering me...and from then onwards you never left me alone. You keep chasing me like a fool, acting like you look out for me, like you cared for me... like you..." She paused for a while embarrassed at her next words because she really believed in it.
" you really loved me despite the hell I've put you through. So why stopping now, Wendy? Why now that I'm so in love with you?!"
this hits right on the feels while All About You of Taeyeon is playing in the background, most especially on the scene where they are talking beside W’s car..
ReplyDeleteGlad that you found that amazing song fitting to this. That scene you're referring to was pretty much intense and I honestly had difficulty in showcasing their emotions there but thanks to you I knew I did pretty well with it. 🤗