One Thing Right
Chapter 7
"Friends Worth Keeping"
"I'm pregnant." Irene confessed. Those words came out painfully. When she learned about her PT got positive once, she did it several times again the following days as she couldn't believe her eyes. Her hands were shaking and she didn't know if she should react positively or negatively about it. While processing everything, the first thing that came to her concern was the father of the baby.
A baby is a blessing, isn't it? Any woman who's at the right age would feel the same, right? Despite not planned, Irene believed that she still wanted it. The outcome of their love.
Irene always dreamed of fairy tail stories with happy endings. Despite the world being cruel in the beginning, a prince will come and save her from it all.
She have loved and got hurt multiple times but it didn't stopped her from dreaming and loving, because she believed it was part of the journey to find that one prince. The one for her.
But why all of a sudden she felt like the father of her baby was just part of that journey? Another failure? She loves him, Irene was sure of it. Does he love her back? Irene wanted to trust in him, since the beginning of their relationship, but why... for some odd reason, she found herself afraid to disclose this news to him.
Why all of a sudden, the future with him seemed so unclear. He was his prince, right? He will accept this, right? They are on this together. They should be, they are the parents of this baby after all.
"Irene, we're in the heights of our career. I'm becoming more popular, having lots of modelling and acting projects. And you,you have your own fame to think about as well. We can't do this!"
Irene heard these words the first time from him but why does it feels like she had already known this from the start? This answer from him was already repeatedly visting her thoughts even in her dreams. She shrugged it off, crying and still hoped it wouldn't be her reality. It wouldn't happen... and yet this...
No matter how many times and days she already spent crying over this news, her eyes still seemed like they're not gonna stop for a long time pouring these tears of sadness and pain.
Despite having the expectation that it would turn out like this, accepting it cannot be easily done. This reality surely is ten times painful and even harder to accept than in just her thoughts. Irene wanted to contain herself and do not cause any trouble to her surroundings, to him, to their career, but she still bursted out crying.
"So what are you suggesting?" Irene weakly replied.
"Do abortion. I'll take care of the costs." He said it so easily that made Irene's world crumble down. How could he say all these words so easily? Like there's no life on the line? It was their baby.
"I thought you love me?" Irene has to ask this. She wanted to hear those words again from his mouth despite knowing this outcome.
"I love you, you know that. But it's just you. I didn't ask for... for..." She looked at him struggling for his words. Does he detest this so much that he can't even call it his...
"Your baby?" Irene finished it for him.
"Yeah. The baby."
"It's yours!" She shouted finally, she can't do this. It's so painful that she's already having a hard time to breathe. How can he be like this to her? To their baby? They've made love to each other multiple times, and no one detested it like this. No one from them complained about it, so why react this way now?
"Don't do this, Irene. I'm not ready for this."
"But you said you love me?"
"Then why can't you accept this outcome? Don't you want to have a family with me? Our own?"
"I.. I want it.. but... it's not the right time. Please understand." He then grasped both of Irene's hands desperately. "I won't leave you, we will go through this together. Just abort it and we'll make a family in the future."
"Do you really think I can do something inhumane? How can you order me to do that as if it's some sort of animal that you could abandon anywhere, anytime? I can't believe you will be the father of my baby! If I knew you'd be like this... I should've not..." Her words trailed off, still can't bring to detest him fully and regret what they have shared. So she just stood up immediately and walked out from him.
'Wait, Irene. We're not done talking yet!" He calls out but Irene didn't look back.
"Hey Irene, you okay?" Seulgi called out to her for the third time. It was still raining outside and they're currently in a restaurant waiting for their orders. This place was just on the ground floor of their apartment.
"I'm fine." She responded shortly and she looked at anywhere but her friend's eyes.
Of course, Seulgi doesn't believe her. With that sulking face and teary eyes? There's no way.
"Here. I know you're fine, but could you wipe your tears?"
Irene looked at the tissue and finally at Seulgi's face. She was smiling yet her eyes were full of concern, she looked really odd that made Irene laugh weakly at her funny antics.
"That's the Bae Irene, I know."
"Sorry. It's just that memories are such a pain and this rain is giving me bad vibes." Irene finally confessed as she wipes her eyes.
"Not all memories are painful, Irene. We'll create and find more happy memories so the bad ones won't resurface again, okay?" Seulgi smiled at her genuinely this time. Thank goodness there was Seulgi in her life. She make things lighter for her and with just one smile, she calms all the time.
"Don't worry too much and focus on yourself and the baby, okay? Everything will be okay in the end, I believe in John Lennon."
They shared another round of laughter. Irene is really fond of this Seulgi voicing out her innocent remarks, she find it really funny. But of course, she knew all too well that Seulgi's trying really hard to make her feelings lighter. This fun only got interrupted when her friend's eyes wander outside the restaurant.
"Hey, isn't that Wendy? And who's the tall one with her?"
Irene didn't bother to turn around when she knew who it already was. "It's her cousin."
"Oh. When did you grew eyes on the back of your head?"
Irene just rolled her eyes.
"How come you knew?"
"I've met her a week ago when I asked help from Wendy."
"Oh. She's cute."
Irene raised her eyebrow at her response. "What?"
"Why? She's pretty and tall too. I'd say she'll fit as a model like you. Why don't you scout her? You might get commission."
"Very funny." Irene finally turned around to look at Joy outside through the window pane. Surely, she was a real beauty with the dress she's wearing and her well done make up. She nodded in agreement with Seulgi at that.
"Hey, you met her first but she's mine! Go get someone else as your target okay?" Seulgi giggled.
"I didn't know you swing that way, but hey I won't judge. We're still friends and no, she's all yours." She responded riding along her joke.
"You can have Wendy." Seulgi grinned and Irene shifted her gaze from Joy to Wendy. She admits that she's really cute too, attractive even. She roamed her eyes on Wendy but immediately turned around when their eyes met once. Irene blushed furiously as she can't believe she was checking on her.
"Oh! They are leaving." Seulgi said sadly and Irene can't help but feel regret.
Seulgi was so happy when she found a friend in their neighbor, but it seemed like after she got back from their team building, Wendy tried her best to avoid them. And with that, she felt responsible. The girl might have feared to get in touch with them considering how much Seulgi took advantage of her by asking for many favors when they just met. And of course she's aware that it might be because she didn't treat her right till the end as well. It's been a week since then, and there had been no interaction between them.
Irene honestly thought that she'll be happy with Wendy gone around them, but she wasn't. She wanted to just shrug it off but there's something about Wendy now that pulls her towards her. Maybe because she wasn't able to say thanks and sorry or even just a goodbye to her that Friday night. Also maybe because her friend Seulgi over here seemed really affected.
"Unnie! Why are we running?" Joy struggled. She was dragged by Wendy by the hand.
"I saw evil spirits, we must get away from them. Just keep going!"
"Them? Who?" Joy was not able to see the other two so she remained clueless whatever the hell Wendy saw.
They got inside the lobby and now waiting for the elevator. They're both catching up their breath.
"What was that all about?! I've never ran that fast in my life!"
"Sorry Joy! I just want to have peace for now, well..I mean I'm already dealing with a mess like you and that's enough for me, so..."
"Yah! Stop saying that! I know you're happy to see me everytime. Remember that you chose that 2 bedroom unit just to accommodate me whenever I visit?" Joy said with a smug look on her face.
"Tch. Let's go, the elevator's here." Wendy will never admit.
Since the Son family were living in Canada, Joy and Wendy never got to meet when they were children. They only got acquainted when Joy visited her father who happened to be the head chef in one of Son's restaurants in Seoul. That time, both of the Son daughters were being toured by their family businesses. Wendy being friendly as she was back then, managed to befriend a shy Joy. They both have different personalities but they both managed to create a great relationship as cousins, and they nurture it by constant communication and by spending time with each other every now and then. They both consider each other as a close family and as each other's best friend. Even if they have known each other much later in their lives, they were just thankful that they both did.
When Wendy came back from Canada, Joy was present to welcome her. Even if Joy resides in Jeju, she still came to the Incheon airport and stayed by Wendy's side up until she found a place to stay in. Wendy and Joy both have been part of each other's life from the decisions they make, their happiness and their deepest worries. There were no secrets between the two of them. Despite being younger than Wendy, Joy has this mature side of her that helped Wendy out during her darkest times. Both Joy and Wendy knew how their brains were wired differently, they both accepted it, and that's why Joy constantly visits her to check if Wendy was 'really' alright as what she always says through phone.
"Was it Irene that you have seen earlier?" Joy asked when they finally got out of the elevator. She noticed how Wendy flinched at the mention of the name.
Wendy sighed. "I'm not a bad person, Joy. I just really wanted to stay away from them right now. I'm not in right condition to think about someone else."
"I didn't say you were bad and I understand where you're coming from but... having new friends sounds fun." Joy tried.
"For you, not for me."
Joy pouted. By this time, she already learned how Wendy got to meet her idol Irene. Wendy didn't reveal the confidential information though. Joy still didn't know about Irene being pregnant, she just know that her neighbor Seulgi entrusted Irene to her since she'll be gone for a week and that Irene was sick. She also got to know about that intense exchange of words between Wendy and Irene.
"Why don't you befriend her? If you really wanted it? You're a fan of hers, right?" Wendy said as she successfully opened her unit door. "I'm not going to stop you on that, of course. Just make sure to leave me out of it."
Joy threw her body on the comforts of the sofa while Wendy went straight to the fridge to get some water. She realized Joy ordered too much sugar on her milk tea earlier.
"I'm a fan of her but I don't think it's appropriate to befriend her just because she was a neighbor of my cousin. And.. knowing that you two have no good relationship to begin with. I'm fine for now with her signature and a photo of her." She browsed her phone while she was lying on the sofa.
Wendy sighed for the nth time and Joy didn't like it. She hated it because she knew how Wendy's starting to wander off again from the world to her inner thoughts. She has to do something to prevent it. Something.
"AHHHH!!!!" Joy screamed at the top of her lungs and Wendy almost dropped the glass of water from her hands and ran towards her.
"What happened?!!" Horror was shown on her face but regretted it immediately when she saw a smirk on Joy's face.
"My boyfriend texted me." She grinned crazily only for Wendy shake her head in dismay.
"Gosh, Joy! You almost gave me a heart attack! I swear I'm gonna kick you out from here if you repeat that again." From then onwards, Wendy didn't stop talking as she nonstop scolded Joy.
"Hihihi. Sorry!" Mission successful.
The next day...
"Joooy! You said you'll help me out if I make you some cupcakes?! Why are you watching TV the entire time?!" Wendy shouted from the kitchen counter. It was only easy for Wendy to see what the other was doing since the living/dining area is only divided by a breakfast nook.
"You know I'll only create mess if I go there. Trust me, you'll be fine. Go create lots of it, I'm going to give some of it to someone." Joy shouted back.
"What? Who? Sungjae's coming?'
"Then who?"
"Oh! Wendy's cousin!!!" Seulgi smiled brighter than the sunshine as she opened the door.
"C-cupcakes?!" Joy stammered. It was only her first time to meet Seulgi in flesh. She didn't expect her to be the one to greet her when she knocked on their door. Right, today is Saturday so...
"For me?!
"Uhm yeah.. and for..."
"Irene? IREEEEEENE!!!" Seulgi asked Joy and suddenly shouted Irene's name to her behind.
"Is Irene deaf or what?!" Joy wondered out loud and she realized this after the words came out already. And when Seulgi was already laughing at her.
"Irene's already old, so.."
"Who are you calling old?!" Irene appeared behind her with a threatening look. "Who's our guest?" When she looked at the one in front of Seulgi, her voice became shy. "Oh. Hello."
"Hi idol! Wendy unnie baked both of you some cupcakes!" She announced but Wendy didn't know anything about this.
LMAO Joy is really the captain of WENRENE! It's so cute to see Irene thinking about Wendy, i mean like Seulgi have Wendy's number and she just can text Wendy to say thank you but no_(:з」∠)_ Wendy avoiding Irene and Seulgi FOR WHAT