Friday, December 18, 2020

One Thing Right Chapter 12 | Wenrene

 One Thing Right

Chapter 12


"Are you sure you don't want me to bring Joy?" Wendy asked for the 5th time. If Wendy's talking to the old Irene, the latter would have snapped. But Irene's a changed person. She changed drastically in a short span of time from being aloof to being easily captive to whatever Wendy's speaking or doing. She won't show this reaction to her though, she'd stay mum about it than to risk Wendy walking away from her.

"It's okay. It's actually better this way."

But Irene failed staying mum. It's her first time being alone with Wendy after accepting her own feelings for her, so she doesn't know yet how to control it. She had to keep her feelings in check or else...

"You're right."

Irene aggressively turned to Wendy, she grew hopeful at her response.

"Eyes on the road, Ms. You want us get killed?" Wendy chuckled and Irene remembered that she's actually driving. Being in love surely is dangerous, literally. 

The two were on their way to the Salon. It's after lunch they've decided to head out. Irene insisted of using her car so she could drive and easily navigate their way to the place that she always visits. 

"What I'm trying to say is that Joy could be really loud, so you might get irritated." Wendy finally explained.

"So you're irritated by her?" Irene asked, she has calmed down.

"Uhhh.. sometimes... but I'm already used to it." 

"Then, I'll learn getting used to her too." Irene spoke and this time it's Wendy who turned to her. 

Irene's cheeks were forming a shade of red at the attention Wendy's giving her. She tried to feign focus on the road by her side vision was distracting her so much with Wendy looking at her. Irene was thinking what she had said that made the latter gaze at her like that.

"Wow. I didn't expect you'd say that." Wendy chuckled and Irene felt like she's floating, it sounds so good to her ears. 

"I'm a changed person now, Wendy. Aren't we friends?" Irene spoke calmly when she actually wanted to dance in happiness. And friends? Irene could settle to that for now. As long as she's with Wendy then it's fine, she will shower her love and attention even all of it won't be reciprocated. Her goal is to make Wendy happy and make her want to continue living, and that's what's more important.

"Yes, we're friends. I hope after this day with me, you won't change your mind." 

"Why would I?" 

"I guess you'll have to see for yourself and find out."


"Oh! Irene! It's nice seeing you here again but we just recently treated your hair, what brings you here?" The salon owner welcomed the two with a bright smile on her face.

To Wendy, they seemed really close as she watched them greet each other with a hug as well.

"Were you nervous I didn't like your work that I came back so soon?" Irene laughed softly and so did the latter. 

Wendy took a step back from them to give them space and let her eyes wander around the salon's interior. It was really nicely designed using monochromatic colors of black and white. She really liked minimalism so...

"Wendy." She heard her name being called and her two companion looked at her like they were waiting something from her. Then she noticed the salon owner has her arm stretched. Oh a handshake.

"Ah. I'm sorry, I was kind of absorbed by the interiors.." Wendy finally made a handshake with her which gained a reassuring smile that it was fine. 

"Wow not all of our customers appreciate it but you do. I'm glad our money wasn't wasted then!" 

The salon owner laughed and Wendy flashes a half smile. 

"So, shall we start?" 

Start? Start what? Wendy thought.

"I just mentioned earlier that we're going to get rid that blonde hair of yours." 

"The area is all set, come over if you're ready." The salon owner said before she left the two.

Wendy then nodded and looked at Irene apologetically. She's having a hard time focusing lately, her mind just wanders by itself. She thought that she should stop this or else she would cause further problems to Irene. That's what she doesn't want to happen especially it's their first time alone together as friends. 

"Ah. Sorry."

"Don't do that." 

"Huh? Do what?"

"Don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." Irene smiled to her, and somehow, that slightly lifted up the doubt she has for this day with her. 

Wendy noticed how Irene's face started to show a tint of red while she was looking at her. 

"I-is there something on my face?" 

"Nope. But are you okay?" She then put a hand on Irene's forehead to check her temperature. "Your temperature is okay, but why are you so red? Does anything hurt? Is the baby kicking?! Oh wait..." Wendy's calm composure suddenly changed to panic but then Irene cleared everything for her. 

"Wendy." She then looked at her. 


"I'm only at my 2nd month of pregnancy, it means the baby hasn't grown any legs to the point it'll kick." 

This time, it was Wendy's turn to show a flushed face... out of embarrassment. 

"Ah, yeah! Of course! Uhm... I was being stupid, wasn't I?" Wendy scratched the back of her head while chuckling nervously and Irene laughed at her.

"Don't worry. I'm feeling okay, maybe it's just the hot weather?" That's what Irene said.

Wendy then nodded buying Irene's excuse. 

"But tell me if you're not feeling well, alright? We'll go back home right away."

"I feel fine Wendy, don't worry."

"How can I not worry when I know it's your free schedule and I'm tiring you out instead of resting." 

Silence befalls them when she said those words and it kind of made Wendy regret that right away. She's such a mood breaker, she thought to herself.

Wendy felt Irene's soft hands caressing her face. She was a bit surprised at the sudden intimate gesture, but she didn't move one bit. It's though as if Irene's eyes were telling her something but she cannot point out what it was.

"I'd rather spend this day with you than to just rest at home." 

Wendy blinked. She thought that was too cheesy coming from Irene especially it's not the one she has seen of Irene from way back. But of course she won't bring up that past anymore, because she believed that was only an impostor and this one in front of her now is the real Irene. The one with her guards down. Perhaps, this is the perks of being friends with Irene, seeing the real her. So she did the same with her. 

Wendy caressed Irene's face with the same manner, she teased. "Don't fall too hard on me." 

After that, Wendy went inside the area where she'll get her hair done, leaving a bewildered Irene on her spot.

Little did Wendy know, she's already hitting the bull's eye.


Wendy stirred uncomfortably on her chair. She looked up from her plates and met Irene's eyes. It wasn't the first time she has caught her looking and she wonders why. 

"Is it weird? My hair?" 

When she was finished with her hair and went to meet Irene at the waiting area, the latter started giving her secret gazes. Not that it was a secret though, because she always end up catching her. 

Wendy didn't dare to ask first on what's up, because she's afraid to discover if it disappoint Irene in seeing her natural hair color. Irene was looking forward to it too much that it worries Wendy how she'll react. 

Thank God Irene responded quickly. "Nope. You look really great in it." Her smile was beaming and Wendy wasn't sure if she's joking or being serious. Maybe it's the former, because Irene's face was emitting a bright reaction. 

"Really? I thought I was much better with blonde." 

"Well, to be very honest, both looked good on you. But I prefer your natural color more, it brings out your real beauty." 

"Oh. Am I being complimented by a fashion icon?" 

"Don't tell Joy or she'll get jealous."

"I wouldn't dare, really. That kid idolizes you way too much." 

And there they shared a laugh. 

They both agreed to go get some dinner after their purpose was served in the salon. At first, Wendy was shy to take more time from Irene, but the latter insisted that she'll be happier to prolong their time together. So in order not to feel bad, Wendy asked what Irene wanted to eat and that's why they ended up in a Korean restaurant to eat some tteokbokki.

Wendy was truly ecstatic to be friends with Irene. When Irene conveyed her intent to be friends with her, she thought it was unbelievable. It's her first time to be asked out like that, although it was subtle approach, she took it positively. It boosted confidence in herself that maybe, even if she's broken, she could still attract people to become interested with her life. Maybe, even if she's at her lowest point, there were still people who wouldn't mind to stay by her side. 

It may not be obvious to her facial expressions nor her actions, but Wendy was doing her best to make Irene not want to regret her decision. She spent every night thinking about how she'll make Irene enjoy her company after she was asked to go to the Salon. That was already, 2 weeks ago, and that whole 2 weeks, Irene never left Wendy's mind at all. 

Since Wendy took importance of this day, lots of negative thoughts were engulfing her mind. "What if Irene walks away after spending this time with her?" 

With that her hands started shaking. She was starting to get anxious because despite spending lots of time thinking about this day together with her, she couldn't execute anything great at all. She was having second thoughts whether the topics she came up with would only bore Irene and leave her.

While Wendy was within her own mind, the only sound audible right now were their utensils while they eat. And this situation became even worse when someone approached Irene on their table.

"Excuse me? Are you Irene Bae?" A man approached with a huge smile on his face and Irene nodded shyly.

"Wow! Can I take a picture with you? I'm a fan of yours! I always buy the magazines you're featured in!" He said excitedly and opened his bag to get some pen and a magazine where Irene was a cover. 

Wendy was asked by Irene if it was okay with her, so she just simply nodded. And there Wendy witnessed how Irene wore her bright smile and gave the fan the attention he needed.

Wendy realized this is reality, Irene is a famous personality that everyone wanted to see or to be with. The gaze and smile she'll cast will always be precious, her time should be used in important occasions and people. Irene should only be seeing or talking to people with the same value as her, she should spend time with her fans too that will lift her celebrity status even higher... she should be doing those and not stuck with someone like her that's... broken... 

"Friends? There's no way we could ever be. Why would she need to befriend someone like me? Maybe because we're neighbors? Or maybe Seulgi forced her to talk to me? Or maybe she's only trying to make up for her attitude towards me before? She's afraid that I'll leak everything to the public? Perhaps that's the only reason for it all." Wendy thought to herself, she held her head suddenly wanting to stop the negative thoughts. It's starting to give her a headache.

"Thank you! I promise I'll continue to support you!" The fan waved goodbye and that made Wendy snapped out of her reverie. 

"Sorry about that. This always happen, I hope I didn't made you feel uncomfortable." Irene said to her apologetically. 

"Uhm. No, it's okay. A-are you finished? Can we go home?" Wendy couldn't take it anymore with her thoughts. She has to end it right now. Irene wouldn't mind it anyway, right? She'll be happier if she could still have some time to catch up with things that really mattered to her this day.

Wendy was having trouble dealing with her emotions now. Just earlier she was on a positive note, but now it all changed quickly to negative. And she hated this feeling so much...

"Is something wrong?" Irene inquired, worried.

Wendy noticed how her voice sounded sad, but she dismissed the idea right away. Why would Irene be sad? Probably because she wasn't able to enjoy her food?

"W-we could take out the food if you want?" She offered but Irene was giving her a questioning look. 

"No, it's fine." Irene said shortly, and asked for their bill to the waitress.

Wendy was relieved, she thought Irene finally let her off the hook and end this day with her.

She hung her head low, not wanting to meet with Irene's eyes. She cannot take anything that would shatter her, and she knew Irene would be giving her a disappointed look.

They both waited for the bill in silence. Wendy was zoning out again, completely oblivious that Irene's actually watching her with concern and hurt look on her face.

"Let's go to the park?" Irene talked again and Wendy wasn't expecting that.

"Huh?" She raised her head due to surprise, and confusion added when Irene showed her an affectionate smile.

"I still don't want to go home. I want to spend more time with you. Is it okay with you?" 

Wendy doesn't know how to respond to that at all. She had her doubts that Irene's only being kind to her so she has to say those words. 

"I'll be completely honest with you, Wendy. So I wish you'll be too, with me. I'm happy to spend time with you and I don't regret anything today." 

"Don't you want to get some rest now? I mean, it's been a long day." Wendy is in denial of what she's hearing and still dismissing Irene.

"I want us to get closer."


"Because I'm happy." Irene answered shortly and Wendy scoffed at her choice of word.

"Do you even know what happiness meant? Don't you think you're using that word so lowly for someone like me?" 

This time, it was Irene's turn to get shocked, her mouth left agape. Wendy's spiteful words were like a double edge sword that cuts deeply not only her already wounded heart but Wendy's too. Irene knew that she'll experience more pain wanting to be inside Wendy's life, but she didn't knew it'll be this gravely painful. She could take all the pain that Wendy would throw at her, but she couldn't take it to witness Wendy get hurt by her own words too. 

Irene was about to shed some tears when the waitress came in between them, with the bill. Wendy was fast enough to put the amount of payment needed and stood up to leave but Irene swiftly stopped her. She won't allow this day to end this way. Never.

"Should we continue this conversation at the park?" Irene offered yet again, this time with a firm grasp on Wendy's arm. 


"I saw you last time having fun while swinging. I was wondering I could lift up your mood if we'll end our day here." Irene said when they're both seated on the swing. Wendy's head was hanging low again, playing the sand with her foot as if it was the most interesting activity in the world. When Irene felt that Wendy won't be talking anytime soon, she continued.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier with the fan. I should've declined, huh?" She started swinging slowly not minding if Wendy was not talking. It's not the topic that was halted earlier in the restaurant, but she thought it's better to start with something light again and get Wendy attention.

"It would cause you more trouble if you did. You're a celebrity after all." Wendy finally said and she started swinging too, slowly.

"It's true that I'm a celebrity, but at times like today, I wish I wasn't." 

"Why?" Wendy was only talking for the sake of keeping the conversation, and Irene could feel that. 

"It's because of that status of mine, I made you uncomfortable. I feel like you wouldn't want to hang out with me anymore after this." Irene smiled weakly as she watched the full moon up in the night sky. Irene's contemplating whether if she could allow herself to get carried away by her feelings for Wendy. To tell her how she really liked to enter her world and love her unconditionally. To make her happy and work on her self doubts and self deprecations. Because Irene realized that, the pain of seeing Wendy in her own sorrowful thoughts breaks her heart into million pieces. Maybe if she became honest with her regarding her feelings, it would make a difference.

Irene was lost in her own thoughts and Wendy witnessed how beautiful it was. Wendy decided to look at her when Irene didn't respond to her for a long minute, to see what the silence meant. But now that she knows the reason behind it, she was left in daze just by seeing her. Even though she appeared to be lonely, it's though as if the moon and the wind were comforting her. The glow was being reflected in Irene's skin and the wind touches her softly as if all of it were accompanying her in this darkness and deafening silence. It was a beautiful scenery for Wendy and it didn't fail to bring warmth to her heart. 

"Why would you want to be in my world? When you're already this fortunate that even nature embraces you." Wendy said still in daze.

Irene stopped gazing at the moon and finally met with Wendy's eyes. They weren't sure how but it felt like the time stopped for them, they were both lost in each other's eyes.

"I'd like to ask you the question you raised earlier." Irene responded disregarding what Wendy had recently spoke. Wendy didn't mind though, it's better to get to the point where they exactly broke off. 

"I've been telling that I wanted happiness, Irene. But in reality, I don't know what exactly it is." Wendy said in all honesty. "How about you? What is happiness for you?"

Irene then left her swing and approached Wendy upfront and sat on the dirt of the sand. She took her hand and clasped with hers.

"Happiness is when I finally figured out what I truly desire."

Wendy was having her own epiphany upon hearing Irene's words. "Desires would only bring misery." She retaliated. 

"It's true. But that misery is nothing against the happiness I'm feeling when I'm satisfying my truest desire, Wendy."

"Then what is it that you desire, Irene?" 

Wendy didn't know how it was possible, but Irene's glow was even brighter. Irene was no longer reflecting the light from the moon, but in her eyes it reflected her very own figure. She sees herself in Irene's eyes and that hit her immediately. The realization made Wendy's heart started pounding aggressively. She didn't even know how she was alive this entire time when her heart froze long time ago, but at this moment, Wendy could feel her heart again.

Before Wendy could react and deny all her realizations, Irene's lips already captured hers.

"I changed my mind, Wendy." Irene started again after she pulled out from the kiss. The proximity of their faces were still very close. With their foreheads leaning against each other, while their eyes closed, feeling the overwhelming fluttering sensation their hearts emitted.

"I no longer want to be your friend." 

"I want to love you more than that." 

After making sure that her true feelings and intention were clear, Irene captured Wendy's lips for the second time. 

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