Tuesday, September 15, 2020

One Thing Right Chapter 5 | Wenrene

One Thing Right

Chapter 5

"A Calming Presence"

The ride back to their apartment was yet again in pure silence. Wendy had already expected this but the loud voice inside her head didn't make her get comfortable with it. Just earlier, Irene introduced her to the doctor as her girlfriend and upon hearing that she almost lose her life from choking. She knew well enough that Irene was crazy, fierce, moody and incredibly hot headed, but she never read Irene to be a joker as well. A bad one. 

Wendy side glanced at the driver, whose eyes fixated in front, to Wendy's observation, she's too calm after blurting out a false information like that. Seriously, Irene was a model, she's a public figure. Wendy believed that doctors and other profession related to medicine field were very trustworthy because they held and kept the most confidential information about one's health. One must trust a person that holds your second chances in life, right? She wonders how doctors keep information about  celebrity though and that idea bothers Wendy a lot. 

Wendy sighed. Why was she even worried about this woman, anyway? It's her own life for god sake, but as much as she wanted not to concern herself to Irene's love life, Wendy was already too involved with the sudden role playing she had to do. 

"That's already the third one. Have you noticed how you becoming problematic is distracting me from driving? If ever we got in an accident, it's your fault." Irene said threateningly, eyes still fixated on the road. 

Wendy then realized that she must have sighed too loudly and several times without her noticing. She's too preoccupied with her thoughts but Irene was on time to speak and stop her from banging her head on the windshield. 

"You shouldn't joke about accidents." Wendy stated a bit withdrawn, her energy was too low from being far used in overthinking. "Knock on wood." She managed to say and do so. 

"Is it because I introduced you as my girlfriend to the doctor that you're sulking now?" Irene asked finally glancing at Wendy who sighed yet again. "Spill, Wendy."

"Look, could you stop by a bit and put on hazard? I just feel like I can no longer wait to ask and discuss to you about this matter, since you have already mentioned it." Wendy exploded with hand gestures, enough for Irene to get surprised at the sudden outburst and actually stopped on the lay-by. 

"Good. Thanks." Wendy said when the other girl obeyed her without any protests. If anything, that's almost like a miracle. 

"Why are you so bothered about it. It's just one time thing anyway, a pretend girlfriend to the doctor Taeyeon. It'll be your first and last accompanying me to her anyway, so what's the big deal?" Irene said confidently, making light of the situation and Wendy snapped right away. 

"What's the big deal? Come on Irene, I know how bad you are at making decisions and stuff but I didn't know you're this worse." Wendy started and before Irene could retaliate, she already added a few words. "You're a celebrity, and you're ruining your image by spilling some non sense. I'm your girlfriend? That's bullshit and let's say that the doctor bought your shit, don't you think that's a scoop right there? I mean, Irene dating a girl?! What would your fans say to you if they found out?" 

Instead of getting pissed off from Wendy's words like the usual, Irene can't believe but found herself amused by the blonde's exaggerating facial and body expressions while she said those words without breathing in between. 'Why is she so worked up with this?' She thought. 

"Wendy, could you please calm down and get yourself together?" Irene said nonchalantly, still watching Wendy. "Doctor Taeyeon is someone we-, I could trust. Believe me, she won't spill anything about me. Our family have known that girl for a long time now." 

"W-what?" Wendy asked right away but Irene already knew what the other was thinking, she wasn't done talking anyway.

"Shut your mouth and listen to me first, will you?" Irene put a finger on Wendy's mouth. The moment she earned a nod from the other, she started again. "She's known to our family because first of all she's a friend of mine. So I definitely know she won't say anything, and besides aren't patients' information confidential whatever profession they are in? Seriously, you should know that by now." Irene ended as she rested her back on her seat. She crossed her arms, body facing Wendy as if waiting for the other's response. 

After hearing Irene's words, unexpectedly, Wendy finally calmed down. She faced forward, ignoring Irene's eyes, and slumped on her seat. Why did she even get concerned with this girl in the first place? Wendy can't find an answer. 

"I was just worried if things get out of hand. That's way too problematic." Wendy side glanced the still staring Irene. "Besides, if you're into role playing, you could have told me beforehand. You know... uh... so I won't get shocked." She stammered and face heating up out of embarrassment.

"Well, I needed you to stay with me inside the room. I was out of excuse and just told doctor Taeyeon that you're my girlfriend so you could have a reason to stay." Irene this time was the one flushing red. 

Wendy suddenly remembered what was her sole purpose today, it was to accompany Irene to the doctor because as Seulgi stated over the phone, Irene was afraid to come alone. The blonde finally understood why Irene grasped tightly on her, and how panic was easily read on Irene's face the moment she wanted to excuse herself out of the doctor's room earlier. Irene could be fierce and strong on the outside, but there really was still some things that she fears and one of them was a doctor. Wendy suddenly got curious what other else that could made the woman falter. She smiled at the thought but was immediately washed away after Irene blurted out something.

"Haven't you dated any girls before?" 

"W-what?! Why are you asking that?" Wendy jolted up from her seat, palms sweating.

"Well, it feels like you have problems with girls getting girlfriends. Saying it'll be a scoop as I'm a public figure." Irene asked, still straight faced. But even so, she looked at Wendy with eyes full of curiousity. 

"W-well, you know what I mean. We are in South Korea, and that kind of thing isn't that welcomed yet. The public would end up scrutinizing you and judge you maliciously because of that." Wendy expresses her worries of the situation which Irene only hums. 

"You still didn't answer my question though." Irene responded but decided to drop it as she observed Wendy's discomfort on such topic and start driving again. 

When they arrived at their apartment building, Wendy accompanied Irene in front of her door. She fetch her, it's only polite to drop her also. Anyway, the day they spent together and the conversations in between were good signs for Wendy that they are getting closer to being friends. But Wendy did not want to assume because she's too sure that Irene wouldn't want anything to do with her after this day. Come to think of it, this was the last day of Seulgi's favor of checking on Irene, since she'll be back from her trip by tonight. 

"Well then, I'm glad that everything's fine with you and the baby. I hope you'll start taking care of yourself and that baby like what the doctor says." Wendy said the moment they arrived on Irene's main door, she said it as a farewell while the other was busy unlocking her door with her keys.

Wendy wasn't really expecting any response from her, so when the door opened, she turned away and walked to her own unit. But to her surprise, Irene called out to her.

"Wendy, come inside. Let me at least give you something to say thanks for accompanying me to the doctor. It's gonna be lunch soon, anyway." Irene invited her and Wendy couldn't believe her ears. Was that really Irene inviting her inside her unit? The Irene that almost strangled her by the neck? The Irene that spitted out daggers with every word she says? The Irene that treats her like a nobody, just a mere stranger?

"Uh, are you sure? 'Coz I'll be fine with you just saying the word 'thanks', though. No need for anything else if it's against your will. I mean-"

"I insist, Wendy. Do I look uncertain?" Irene stopped Wendy right away with her non sense.

"Oh, okay." Wendy finally gave in and went inside Irene's unit. 

"Just sit comfortably on the couch, I'll go prepare something for us in the kitchen." Irene said as she removed her coat, she then opened the TV and settle the remote near the blonde's reach for her to pick whatever channel she likes. She went straight to the kitchen after she gained a nod from Wendy.

While Irene was busy, Wendy can't help but look around the unit. It's already her third time here, and the discomfort still didn't vanish. Well, this might be her third and last unless it will be Seulgi to invite her the nexts. However, Wendy thought that it would be better to stay away from Seulgi once she comes back. She didn't want yet another favor from Seulgi to come her way, who knew what that girl was thinking, taking advantage of their still young friendship. Wendy wasn't even sure if they were now friends though.

Suddenly, her phone rang that startled her and immediately ended her train of thoughts. Wendy took out her phone from her pant's side pocket, her brows furrowed once she sees the caller ID. Still, she accepted the call. 

"Yes, mom?" 

"Wendy, have you decided already? About taking over our business there in South Korea?" Mrs. Son clearly said over the phone still pressing Wendy about their unfinished discussion from a week ago.

"Mom, I'm taking a break now from working. I just need some space, a fresh air to breathe." Wendy tried to explain herself but the moment her mother spoke, she knew it's impossibe for her to understand.

"Wendy, you're not getting any younger. You should take responsibilities and get a grip of your life. If you can't be near your sister's achievement when she reached that age of yours, then at least do your family a favor and manage our business in South Korea. It would help me and your father a lot." 

Wendy could feel the nerves in her head twicthing out of anger. Why do her parents always compare her to her perfect sister? She get it already when they were still a child, that the star of the family was always and non other than her big sister. Why can't they understand that even if they were sisters, they still were both different people? The only thing she wanted the same as her sister before was to study abroad when they were younger but after then their parents have assumed already that Wendy wanted to take every steps of her sister made in her life. All her life Wendy was living under the shadow of her perfect sister, and she have done everything in her abilities to make their parents proud of her. It's just that everything Wendy achieve was already one step behind her sister's and that's when she realized that she'll end up losing her sanity trying to prove herself's worth to their family all the time. That's when she first broke their hearts by coming over to South Korea, leaving all of them in Canada. The second was declining her parent's friend to get a high position in a large architectural firm in South Korea, reasoning that Wendy wanted to gain a position on her own. And the disappointments came to them immensely after, that's why they were now pressing Wendy to just take over their family business instead. 

Wendy sighed, massaging her temples. "I am taking a grip of my life, mom. And that's what I'm doing now. You cannot always push me to do something that I don't want." 

"Wendy, we're only thinking of your future. You have to listen to us, for once." 

"Mom, why won't you be the one to listen to me for once?" Wendy said softly, she felt like crying. She had never felt her parents supporting her for whatever life choices she made, for once Wendy wants to feel how her sister feels when getting huge approval and support from their parents. "I'm hanging up now. I'll talk to you later." She hangs up and threw her phone on the other side of the sofa. 

Wendy feels it again. The anxiety taking over her, the train of negative thoughts coming over. She traced her collar, acting as if it's suffocating her when it's nowhere near. She wanted to escape the feeling once again, and lately she had found comfort in her sleep. Yes, she wanted to just sleep. Longer than she could, as long as it will prevent her from thinking too much. From feeling too much. 

"Lunch is ready. Come over here in the dining area!" When Wendy was about to close her eyes, she heard Irene calling out, enough to ignore the devils inside her brain. Wendy came back to reality.

When Wendy went to the dining area, everything was already set. The foods were served and Irene was over there waiting for her to start eating. 

Wendy occupied the seat in front of Irene and so both started eating. The lunch set off in silence, just them chewing her food and occassionally sipping their soup. Wendy's head was empty, she was eating like a robot, and her eyes reflected the emptiness she's feeling. Irene was able to observe her though, the instant change of Wendy's demeanor made her curious. 

"Are you okay?" Irene asked carefully as if not wanting to shutter anything fragile. She continued eating while waiting for the other's response.

"Yeah. Sorry 'bout that. Uh.. Maybe just a little tired." Wendy said, sleepiness coming back again. 

"I could tell. Why don't you sleep here for a while after we eat?" Irene once again offered which made Wendy started wondering why the sudden change of heart. The questioning look must have been obvious which earned a laughter from the other. "I could tell how you're doubting me again with my offer." Irene added.

Wendy cleared her throat, her face heated up a bit for being caught. "S-sorry. I'm just surprised." 

"Surprised at what? Me being kind to you all of  sudden?" Irene scoffed, then settled her spoon down on the table. "Don't let your guard down though, I would have poisoned you by now you know. You shouldn't really accept someone's offer if you're doubting their motives." Irene shrugged as if being doubted was nothing new but Wendy felt a bit guilty about that. 

"Yeah, sorry about that. But I wouldn't really mind if there's poison in the food." Wendy said, trailing off a bit on her last statement.

"Pardon?" Irene was taken aback. She knew something was up to this blonde's head.

"Nah, nothing. What time is Seulgi coming home?" Wendy changed the topic but Irene could already sense that.

"By evening, I guess." 

"I see. Do you mind me asking when you guys became friends? You two seemed really close." 

"Since college. She's fond of you though, she kept talking about you." 

"Really? Sounds like her."

"Do you like her?" 

"W-what?" Wendy felt like she's going deaf or was it Irene becoming aggressive with her questions? 

"I asked if you like her? Like more than friends?" 

"Uhm. No. I mean she's really kind and caring person, so she's very likeable. But don't get me wrong, I only see her as a friend. Nothing more than that." Wendy explained herself, not really sure why she have to.

"Good, 'coz I don't like you for her." Irene said which made Wendy winced a bit. 

"That's not for you to decide though." Wendy retaliated, although she meant nothing but to save her dying dignity in front of Irene. 

"I know, there's nothing much we could do if someone's falling for someone. It's not like it's their choice either, it just happens." Irene shrugged and this time it was Wendy's turn to get surprised at Irene's thoughts. 

"Oh. Now we're talking about... falling for someone." 

"I'm not telling that Seulgi's in love with you or anything alright? Don't get the wrong idea."

"I know and I wouldn't dare that." Wendy was sure that Irene was just speaking to get rid of the silence. Anything so she wondered out loud, "Maybe it's you and your choice to fall in love with the father of the baby?" 

Irene eyes widened. Wendy watched how the girl's eyes shown shock, sadness into anger. Irene suddenly looked at her fiercely, shooting daggers. When Wendy thought Irene was becoming nice to her then she's yet again proven wrong. She judged way too early, or maybe it was her fault after all, for blurting out something sensitive. 

"I'm sorry." Wendy apologized right away and she could see Irene softened a bit. 

"It's okay. Are you done eating? Why don't you rest in the living room for a while." Irene said as she stood up and started cleaning the table.

"No. I'll go wash the dishes since you've already cooked for us." 

"Like I said, it's my thanks for accompanying me to the doctor so don't feel obligated to do anything here." 


"No buts."

"Then I shall take my leave then, I don't want to bother you any longer." 

Irene sighed loudly. "I told you, go rest in the living room. Wait for me there." She said demandingly as if Wendy has no other choice. 


Irene knew that she could get rid of Wendy and let her go home to her own unit anytime, as much as she wanted to deny it, she somehow find Wendy's presence around her as calming. Reason why she suddenly became curious and talkative towards her, she kinda want to prolong her presence around her more. That aside her last outburst on the sensitive topic, though. Because of that, a punishment of making her stay would definitely work on Wendy, and looking at her right now, she's already proven correct. This is her way of killing 2 birds with one stone. 

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