Sunday, February 28, 2021

Blank Paper [END] | Wenrene


Part 2/2

"Unnie, let's eat outside for dinner? Mom and dad won't be home 'til late at night so it'll be convenient for us to just dine out." Yeri said walking home after school. Seungwan was a batch higher than Yeri but they often meet together with Joohyun every after school to have some fun and go home together, but lately, this routine drastically changed. 

Joohyun already flew to U.S., but even a week before it, the three of them never got to meet. At first, Yeri thought it was all because Joohyun was busy since her flight was just a week away, but Seungwan not talking about Joohyun in a day nor even look for her were enough clues to conclude that something had happened between the two.

Yeri met Joohyun to bid farewell at the airport, that was their first and last meeting since the two became distant to each other. Seungwan didn't came and Joohyun never said a word about it which was really odd. If Yeri would describe the two how often they speak about each other then it will be like, Seungwan speaks about Joohyun at least once a day and Joohyun speaks only Seungwan in a day. That was their usual get up which is why it's so deafening to hear only silence from them. She would like to press on Joohyun but decided not to in the end judging how she looked like she's on the verge of breaking down. 

Seungwan's bubbly personality that lights up everything everywhere she goes vanished too leaving no traces at all. After school, she always wanted to go home, lock herself in the bedroom and only get out when it's time to eat and go to school. Joohyun and Seungwan were classmates, she cannot imagine how the two were inside their class at all. She's used to their image of sweet, always having fun and are  intimately close with each other, so Yeri ponders what really went wrong. 

This new found habit of Seungwan also went extreme when Joohyun started appearing on the news having famous suitors asking her out. Newspapers having her as headline with someone suspected to be her lover kept popping out almost every month. At that point, they no longer knew what was a fact and a rumor considering the amount of news about Joohyun involving with different men in the showbiz world.

Even if Seungwan nor Joohyun didn't talk about it to her, Yeri knew how much the two liked each other. The feeling they have for each other was mutual, she could bet anything on it, and so even if they were miles apart and having misunderstandings, their feelings would still conquer all. That was what Yeri believed in, but as time goes by, Yeri was no longer sure about it anymore because all she ever saw was Joohyun having the time of her life in the U.S. while Seungwan barely lives without her here.

She had witnessed how Seungwan tried to hold onto her still, waited for her to be contacted, but ended up being devastated. Yeri prayed that Joohyun would finally remember, to explain or deny the rumors to them, for her Seungwan unnie to be okay in the end but there were no signs of Joohyun in their lives anymore. All they see and hear from her were about upcoming movies and numerous dating scandals. At that point, the Joohyun they knew, who grew up with them, was only a part of their past.

"I'll just cook for us both."

"Unnie, you rarely talk anymore. Do you want me to die out of boredom?" Yeri joked but she didn't expect Seungwan to get serious with it.

"Then, here." Seungwan stopped walking and turned to Yeri. She reached out for some money on her pocket and gave it to the latter. "This money should be enough for you to eat alone, right? Or has your appetite grew bigger already?" 

Seungwan smiled nicely at her. The smile was contradicting to what her eyes were wearing and it tore Yeri apart. This wasn't her unnie, it angers her that someone made her like this, a shell without soul in it. Why does Seungwan still hold onto Joohyun after so long like this? It's been 4 years already and they're soon to graduate college too? Why was she not moving on without her and only choose to hurt herself by waiting for someone they aren't sure if will come back?! 

Out of frustrations, she swung her hand tapping away the money that Seungwan was offering. Seungwan was surprised by the sudden outburst and it made Yeri regret her action right away. 

"If you don't want to eat outside, then I won't either." Yeri said as she refrain herself from expressing her anger to her. In the end, she didn't want to make her unnie sadder than she already was. If there's someone she has to vent out her anger to, then that should be at Joohyun. She hated her so much that she wanted to inflict the same pain Joohyun made her sister to suffer. Her tears were already edging her eyes so she immediately walked passed Seungwan. Her unnie didn't asked on what just happened and only followed her later on. Yeri knew that her unnie had the idea why but she chose not to talk about it to do not strain their sisterhood over an unrequitted love.

Yeri hated Joohyun so much since then, but after a few days from her outburst, she started seeing Seungwan having progress with her life. She started going out, meet new people, watch less of TV, listen less to radio and read less of newspapers. She was literally taking a distance from Joohyun's world and Yeri was so thankful for it. 

Over the years, her unnie regained herself. The energetic and confident self that shines on everyone around her. Giving the happy vibe like she used to before. Yeri was the happiest for this progress but then Seungwan talked to her one day and asked for a favor that made her admire her unnie even more. Yeri was moved to tears after hearing out her unnie the entire conversation.

"Yeri, I'm all okay now. So, can I ask you not to hate Joohyun anymore?" 

"She's an unnie you liked so much before. I don't want you to change that just because you saw me suffer. Your story with her is different from my story with her."

"You have suffered because I wasn't being myself, so it was my fault as your sister and not hers to you." 

"As your sister, I've changed my ways and came back to my old self now, Yeri. By now I wouldn't embarrass nor hurt you for seeing a messed up unnie anymore." 

Seungwan smiled at her like the old times, and it made Yeri crumble down and embraced her unnie that she missed so much. "I promise and I'm sorry, unnie! But I want you to know that you've never embarrassed me one bit! You're the best sister I could ever ask for, Seungwan unnie!" 

Both Joohyun and Seungwan were finally facing each other after 10 years. Yeri went back to the staff room to give the two some space, she didn't want to but Seungwan requested it so she abided in the end. 

Joohyun hasn't recovered yet from her crying earlier, but having Seungwan in front of her was the event she had been wishing for to happen in a long time now. So despite the fatigue she was feeling, she continued on with it.

She examined Seungwan as subtle as she could. It's though as if Joohyun traveled back to the past, Seungwan looked all the same adorable as she was before. The dreamy eyes that were unveiling Seungwan's beautiful soul, her cute nose that crunches whenever she giggle over anything she found funny, her alluring lips that only speaks the kindest words, her soft skin that gives her comfort and warmth everytime they touch, the amount of piercings that she boasts about in her little ears everytime, all of them were still the same. Joohyun had instilled all these characteristics in her mind and kept this a memory in the deepest of her heart for the longest time and seeing them all again in the present felt surreal. If this is a dream, then she prays to the heavens to never wake her up. 

"Are you alright, Joohyun?" Joohyun's heart got swayed the moment she heard her name spoken with worry by the person she had longed for so long. The care that Seungwan's voice carried was the only comfort she wanted to succumb to, to finally heal and become whole again. 

But then instant realization came to her mind again when she remembered the painful truth that Seungwan already belonged to someone else. She asked herself again, for a thousand times already, why did she let go this precious person that life had gifted her?

While she was in the U.S., the only thought that kept her going was thinking that once she finished everything she'll be able to come home and meet Seungwan in South Korea. She was planning that she'll get her back to her side and love her, fill in the emptiness that the time away with her had bestowed. But then, who was she kidding? Life doesn't work that way. Life won't give you back the opportunities you once let go, and to be loved by Seungwan was the one she chose to let go.

10 years. 10 years of letting a heartbreak caused by rejection go on and no communication to salvage what's left with them and yet she was hopeful to take her back? She must have gone mad already.

"I..." Joohyun never knew how hard it was to talk until this moment. "I'm all good." A lie.

"Why were you crying? Did Yeri do something to you? Do you want me to scold her?" 

Joohyun admired how Seungwan's soft and caring voice kept going. At first, it warmed up her heart but now she's taking it as an actual sign that Seungwan really had moved on from her. As much as she wanted to deny everything, she was the only one left and stuck in this love now.

Joohyun couldn't make herself to respond, her mind was already giving her so much to think about at once. So she just shook her head to say no to her. Then silence befalls them after. 

As much as Joohyun wanted to keep this conversation going, she found herself not feeling well anymore. Her chest was tightening and her head hurts so much, her vision was also starting to get blurry by then. 

"Joohyun, are you really okay?" She heard Seungwan called out, panicking. Why was she still so kind and caring to her were the added thoughts that filled her mind before she fully lost consciousness.

"Seungwan, why were you called by our teacher earlier?" Joohyun asked while they lay down on the grass with different flowers surrounding them at the school's small garden. After eating lunch with Yeri, this was the place they usually go to sleep and pass time until break was over.

"Oh, that? The teacher was moved by my essay that he had to call me out and explain." Seungwan giggled and turn to her side while she gazed at Joohyun who was already facing her. They both just lay there admiring each other, internally. 

"Really?" Joohyun has doubts on that considering how much Seungwan's giggling. Usually she's like that when she's super excited over something that's fun or out of something just plain naughty and silly that she did. 

"So what did you write on your essay?" 

"I told you, I want to stay rooted at our pastry shop." 

"That, again. Come on, be serious this time, Seungwan." She nudged her friend's face with her palm to annoy her but Seungwan bit her hand as a counter and grinned goofily after. 

"Yah! Seungwan I'm going to kill you." She then got up and wrestled the younger girl who tapped out right away. Then they shared a laughter after realizing how silly they have become.

While they were resting with their back and facing the sky, they suddenly realized the comfort and happiness they've experienced because of the other. This moment was one of those experiences that they felt the contentment in each other. The peace they were feeling right now was in resemblance to the blue sky they're both watching and the soft soothing breeze that touches them. Everything seemed so perfect. 

In this present world they both created, they feel contented. Future holds no assurance for them, but right now all they knew were they're both in love and enjoy each other's company.

"Seungwan." She turned on her side to meet her eyes again which made the latter do the same. 

"Let's be part of each other's life, no matter what?" Joohyun demanded but it went out as a question.

"Aren't you sure that I'll stay part of your life till your last breath?" Seungwan giggled. 

"I'm scared, Seungwan." 


"What if as time passed by, we'll change in the future? We're still high school students, we're too young and naive. What if our thoughts and feelings changed?"

They both haven't confessed on what they truly feel for each other at this moment but, both of them were hinting their fear of not having each other in the future. 

"You don't have to be worried. I won't change." Seungwan said as she wiped a tear that escaped Joohyun's eyes. She didn't want to see her sad.  

"How can you be so sure?" 

"I am not sure. I have no special abilities to assure what the future holds for us but... we have choices!" She said with hopeful eyes. 

"What do you mean?" 

"It means I'll choose to stay with you, Hyun. I'll forever choose you, no matter what." 

"What if you don't?" 

"What if I do?" 

Seungwan gave her a smile that made Joohyun hopeful too. While gazing at her, her fears vanished bit by bit and she grew optimistic about everything being okay in the end. Because if it's Seungwan, everything seemed possible. 

Joohyun opened her eyes slowly. Like the usual, the memories of her and Seungwan were haunting her even in her sleep.

She was yet again reminded that she's the first one who broke their oath to be together in the future that they talked about, so why was she questioning the now's outcome?

Joohyun believed she has a weak heart. She's always swayed easily and has no control over her choices. Whenever she gets passionate about something, she goes all out and forget everything else. That was her younger self, but as day passed by, she realized how it would have been if she was able to live her dream and kept the people close to her heart. That would probably is the real feeling of having success.

Contentment never came to Joohyun even when she's at the peak of her career as an actress. Yes, she has fulfilled her dream but why did she felt it was all a trap? She envisioned the idea of experiencing happiness while living her dream as an actress before but now that she achieved her dream, why does she feel so empty?

It was already too late, when she realized, her happiness was long found in the form of Seungwan.

Joohyun got up from the bed she was lying. This room was familiar to her, the smell too, it felt like...

"Seungwan." She said out loud when she came back to her senses after she fully perceived the location she's currently in. She's at Seungwan's room and so she remembered that she fainted due to fatigue. She went straight to the shop the moment she landed in Korea today and the remaining energy she has left was suck out from crying and overthinking till her body couldn't bear anymore. 

Joohyun felt like she's been recharged now though. The nap was a huge help and the fact she's resting in Seungwan's room was giving her so much warmth and comfort. It's like it's embracing her, welcoming her home.

She took time to look around since nobody was there except her. Joohyun smiled because some things didn't change at all, the acoustic guitar which Seungwan played since they were in high school was still displayed at the center of her bedroom's wall. The colors of black, white and different shades of blue from walls to her sheets, from decorations to her owned things, they were all the same amount as the one she used to remember. 

As much as she wanted to stay in here and absorb everything Seungwan, she just can't now. Her mind was clear now, that she could no longer have her after what she had heard today about her lover. There's just no point in denying it anymore when it's all vivid that Seungwan had already moved on. That's why, she has to let go of the love she had carried for so long. 10 years? No, it was way beyond that. She had loved Seungwan much more than that, and even though she didn't know how, she will finally take a step in moving forward too. And letting go of everything that reminded her of Seungwan has to go. 

When Joohyun finished fixing herself, she decided to leave. But before she could, she sighed deeply giving in to her heart's content to roam her eyes at Seungwan's room for the last time.

After that, when she turned towards the door, she noticed a frame hanging by the door. Why would Seungwan frame and display a paper with only her name on top written on it? What sentimental value it holds for her to do such a thing? 

Joohyun took the frame from the hook and examined it closely out of curiousity. The more she checked thoroughly the more she felt connected with it for some reason she didn't know. 


Yeri got startled when she opened the door, she didn't expect Joohyun would be standing there. 

"You surprised me, unnie. What are you doing?"

Joohyun caught Yeri turned pale when she noticed what she was holding. That was enough for her to grew more curious about this framed blank paper. 

"Do you know about this?" She asked the younger girl. 

"Oh. Uhm, it's a frame?" 

"Would you tell me something that I don't know, Yeri?"

"T-that's nothing. Seungwan unnie might have forgotten to throw it away." Yeri tried to get a hold of the frame but Joohyun was fast to avoid from her. 

"Yeri, please?" She already said that she'll move on but Yeri was acting so suspicious that made her think that it has something to do with her.

"Seungwan, look!" Joohyun boasts the paper containing her essay with a 100% score.

Seungwan, who was also her seatmate, was only resting her head with her arms on the table, smiling at Joohyun's happy face. "Why would the teacher grade less than a hundred if we're talking about our dreams anyway?" 

"Aish. You're such a mood breaker!" Then they both laughed goofily. "You're right though, so I guess you scored a 100 too? So what's your dream, Seungwan?" She inquired teasingly and moved her face closer to her friend. 

Seungwan didn't reply, she got up instead and took Joohyun's essay from her hands. 

"Let's see. So what is Bae Joohyun's dream?" She ended up reading the paper. Joohyun already forgotten her question too and talked about her essay with so much enthusiasm instead.

"I want to become an actress, Seungwan. That famous actress that touches everyone's hearts with my projects! To star to many blockbuster films and sweep all prestige awards for my acting. I'll be the happiest person on the planet if I'll ever live such a dream!"

"You'll be the happiest?"

"Yes, I will. Nothing's gonna make me happier than fulfilling my dreams, Seungwan. I'll do whatever it takes to achieve that in my life."

"Then, can I have this?" 

"Hmm?" Joohyun was puzzled,why would Seungwan want her essay? What for?

"I'll keep this until you've achieved your dreams."

Joohyun found it odd, but since it's Seungwan then she can have it. 

"Okay. You should frame that though! It'll have a high value once I've become an A-listed actress. You'll get rich because of me, Seungwan! Thank me later!" Joohyun laughed.

"Oh the confidence. It's so windy lately. Should I close the window? I'm getting chills already."


"Yeri, where's Seungwan?" She asked when it's only Yeri she found by the gates of the school. 

"Oh didn't Seungwan unnie told you she has some errands to do? She'll be cleaning your classroom." She laughed teasingly as if her sister getting punished was her pleasure.

"Huh? It's not her turn to clean the room yet. We're on the same day as cleaners so I should know." Joohyun was about to get Seungwan when Yeri stopped her by the hand. 

"Unnie didn't want it to be revealed but she did something that angers your teacher so she's being punished." 

"Punished?" She raised an eyebrow.

"She submitted a blank paper only with her name on it in one of your subjects. I don't know the details about it but that's the context, I know you get it." 

"Why would she submit a blank paper, is she out of her mind?" Joohyun fumed, how dare Seungwan keep this to her?

"I'll break her arm tomorrow." 

"Oh come on, you don't even let a mosquito bite unnie what more to break her arm?" 

"Why not I break yours instead Yerim?" Joohyun threatens only for Yerim to run for her life. Joohyun will let Seungwan be for now and chased after Yeri. She mentally noted to ask the teacher tomorrow too, if Seungwan decides to hide this incident to her. 

"Oh. Ms. Bae, what are you here for?" Mr. Lee, their humanities teacher, asked after he saw Joohyun entered the teacher's room. 

"I'm sorry for the intrusion, but I would like to ask something." 

"Ms. Son, being one of our top students, submitted a blank paper for the essay homework I've given last week. This is quite puzzling for me so I asked for explanation but she only said she hasn't realized her dream yet." That was what the teacher's response  which made Joohyun confused because if she was in her position, she'll just made up something just so she won't cause failing marks. But then it's though as if the teacher could read her mind, he added, "Upon hearing her honesty, giving her a zero mark would be heartless so I just made her help out the cleaners for a week instead. After all, I'm only just a teacher. I have no right to discourage her for not realizing her dream yet with a failing mark. You should encourage your friend too, Ms. Bae."

"You're her dream, unnie." Yeri said which made Joohyun's heartbeat pace up again. The memory that flashed back to her mind up to what Yeri was telling her were making her knees weak. She connected the dots now and was speechless.

Was Seungwan for real? Does she deserve to have someone like her? Those were Joohyun's thoughts. 

"Your essay lies behind that blank paper, unnie. She placed your essay underneath so she could fool me that she had moved on, so I wouldn't hate you." Yeri continued. She was satisfied but not because she liked to see Joohyun in pain but because she's finally able to tell the truth to her. She knew that this was the only way for her to fully forgive her, to let out all the emotions that she had kept in the deepest of her heart.

"She didn't want me to hate you, Joohyun unnie! It hurts my heart that she was trying her hardest to make it up to me and not hate you, but at the same time, she was trying so hard not to forget you. I played along that I didn't know because I did not want to inflict more pain to her already broken heart. Because after all of it, it made me realize that even if you broke her heart, it's only when she sees you genuinely happy will be the time she could finally move on."

"To make a person become one's dream, that's the most absurd idea I've encountered. Seungwan unnie did, and yet you chose not to make her a part of yours." 

Yeri watched Joohyun pouring out tears quietly so she could listen to her clearly. She knew Joohyun still love her unnie, when she dropped her hate on her, only then she could see clearly how much Joohyun was never happy. She may be smiling and laughing on the limelight, but those weren't the same ones she was used to see when she was with Seungwan.

Joohyun fell on the ground as she finally bursted out crying. "I'm sorry, Seungwan-ah!" She blurted out only for Yeri to sigh and comfort her on her level. 

"Do you still love my Seungwan unnie?" She faced Jooyhun and questioned with a very serious tone. 

"I never stopped, Yeri." 

"Then go to her, Joohyun unnie. She already waited for so long, don't you think?" 

Joohyun looked at her full of regrets and confusion, "She already has someone else, Yeri. I cannot just come back to her life and beg her to choose me over her current lover." She took a few minutes to sink that in before she look at Yeri sincerely but her confusion grew even bigger when she saw her smiling back at her.

Was she hated this much by Yeri that she was so happy to see her cry her heart out to a point that she hardly breathes?

"Weren't you her lover?"

Then her heart skipped a beat when it dawned to her what Yeri was trying to convey. She couldn't believe her ears. 


The younger girl stood up and sighed in satisfaction, she came back to her old sarcastic self. "I don't know what it is with both of you but 10 years without communication is such a pain in the ass. If that's me, I'd probably tap out." 

"Yeri.. were you telling the truth?"

"Go to unnie for you to find out. She's so worried about you when you passed out that she didn't want to work anymore, but I can't let that happen since we got lots of customers." Yeri said while she acted like she was so pissed and disgusted at the same time. 

Upon hearing that, Joohyun took all her remaining energy to stand up and hurriedly run towards Seungwan. Yeri then smiled genuinely and talked to herself. "I hope you'll be happy now, Seungwan unnie."


Joohyun exited the Son's house and ran as fast as she could. She ran like time was running out and her life depended on it. She may be exaggerating but that's just how she really felt. She already wasted so much time away from her and she couldn't loose more. 

Joohyun still couldn't believe it, it felt surreal to have someone like Seungwan exist in her life. She was truthful to her words and loved her unconditionally from the very start and Joohyun was oblivious of that.

Right now, it was clear to her, that she doesn't deserve Seungwan. But even knowing that, she will never throw away a chance to be with her again. She will use the rest of her lifetime to work on that. To become worthy of Seungwan's love that she failed to reciprocate and show for a long time. 

They say, we have to sacrifice something in order to gain something else. Maybe that's her case, but if she'll ever have the chance to turn back time and be as wiser as she was today, she will never choose to sacrifice Seungwan anymore. 

Joohyun learned it the hard way, that a dream wasn't just a destination where everything else would follow once reached. Happiness and contentment never followed her.

She learned the hard way that Seungwan's words were right, we have choices. And we can make a choice to bring the people we love with us towards a certain dream. It may be difficult, but there's nothing easy in this life either. 

All these lessons she have learned were all because of Seungwan. She was the living proof of all these.

Joohyun pushed the door open at Son's Pastry Shop. The door chimes sounded loudly that made everyone at the place look at her direction. She didn't care anymore whether people discover her and cause scandal on career, because right now, all she ever wanted was to be true to herself and meet the person her heart was seeking for. 

"Is everything okay, Maー" Seungwan stopped on her tracks when she finally saw the person standing in front of her. "Joohyun?" 

Joohyun promised to herself that she won't ruin this chance to finally confess to Seungwan with her crying. But her emotions betrayed her once she saw Seungwan looking at her way. Why. Why didn't she noticed that Seungwsn was looking at her the same way as she did 10 years ago? Her eyes were gazing so softly at her like she's been treated like a treasure for a long time? 

She let out her tears as much it wanted, there's no point in hiding it when it's already pouring. "Seungwan." She called out. 

"Joohyun, is everything okay?" 

"Stop!" Joohyun demanded when Seungwan tried to approach her.

Seungwan was startled at the outburst, she noticed how everyone was capturing Joohyun with their phones too. It worried her, so she tried to make her calm down. 

"Joohyun. Let's talk in the staff room, okay?" She said softly like she was taming someone.

"But I want the world to know too." She said which made Seungwan confused.

"Uhh. You'll star in a new movie?" Seungwan guessed, she really didn't know what's up. Yeri didn't gave her a heads up that Joohyun would come either.

That was enough for Joohyun to chuckle. It was a first, that she was smiling because she was truly happy. These tears she's shedding were now out of joy. "I see you're the same silly, Seungwan." 


"I like you, Seungwan. Since we're in highschool." Joohyun finally confessed and she saw Seungwan was totally astounded.

Seungwan didn't know exactly what to react and with these people watching them made it hard to believe if this was truth or not.

"Is this a prank? Or are you filming something?" She genuinely asked which made Joohyun chuckle again but she shook her head denying any of the two guesses she said. 

"I really do like you since then, Seungwan. And I came to love you too." 

The flashes of the cameras went severe, they no longer hid the fact that they were filming. 

Seungwan became anxious at the attention already. She still couldn't bring herself to believe what Joohyun was saying. 

"Come on, Joohyun. Stop joking around, what if these people believed what you're saying? That's not good for your career." 

"10 years of my career is more than enough for me, Seungwan. But I cannot have enough of you. I want to make it up to you, I'll sacrifice everything for you." 

"You don't have to, Joohyun." 

"But I can. And I'm doing it now, because all the things I have, the popularity, the movies are not enough to make me whole. I've learned it the hardest way, that you're the one that completes me, Seungwan. It is with you I'm the happiest." 

"You won't regret this, would you?" Seungwan's voice cracked. Somehow, her words were already sinking in. She had wished Joohyun to find her happiness, and when she heard before that her happiness lies to her achieving her dreams, Seungwan made that her dream as well. But now, everything turned out to be so much better. 

"I'll never regret choosing you now, Seungwan." 

"Then... you mean you'll return for good here now? With me?"  

When Joohyun saw Seungwan was starting to understand her, she finally went to her, cupped her face with both of her hands and captured her lips for a kiss. 

The people around went wild but surprisingly, they positively reacted to it and ended up cheering for them. 

The two went oblivious to their surroundings though and only listen to their own hearts. They kissed each other like they were making up for the lost years that they were away from each other.

"Thank you for waiting, Seungwan. I'm home." Joohyun managed to say before she went back kissing her love. She didn't know life tasted this sweet contrary to all the pain she had gone through. The feeling this kiss was giving her was much more rewarding than all the acting awards she had combined or the movies that went blockbuster. 

Joohyun swore to never let go of this feeling. She'll do everything in her power to not let go of Seungwan ever again, not for the rest of her life.


Congratulations, you made it through! Thank you for reading. 

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